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WICKED Memorandum, Date 232.2.13, Time 21:13
TO: My Associates
FROM: Ava Paige, Chancellor

This is not a time to let emotions interfere with the task at hand. Yes, some events have gone in a direction we didn't forsee. Not all is ideal - things have gone wrong - but we've made a tremendous progress and have collected many of the needed patterns. I feel a great amount of hope.

What subject A3 had done when we collected the subjects on the Berg was completely reckless and against what she agreed. However, through what she had done, it had helped us as well. Although it was not part of the Variables, Thomas' reaction to her actions helped us gather more information and data. We have sent a team to clear out the area of the deceased subjects - including A3 herself.

I expect all of us to maintain our professional demeanour and remember our purpose. The lives of so many people rest in the hands of so few. This is why it's an especially important time for vigilance and focus.

The days to come are fundamental to this study, and I have every confidence that when we restore their memories, every one of our subjects will be ready for what we plan to ask of them. Although we may have lost one of the most important Candidates, we still have the Candidates we need. The final pieces will be found and put into place.

The future of the human race outweighs all. Every death and every sacrifice are well with the ultimate outcome. The end of this monumental effort us coming, and I believe that the process will work. That we'll have our patterns. That we'll have our blueprint. That we'll have our cure.

The Psychs are deliberating even now. When they say the time is right, we'll remove the Swipe and tell our remaining subjects if they are - or are not - immune to the Flare.

That's all for now.

Burning; TST ➵ ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now