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Thomas stared at Minho in bewilderment. He couldn't remember the last time he was at such a loss for words. He tried to speak, only letting out a stammer. Minho chuckled at his friend.

Minho smiled, which was very welcoming despite looking horrible. "We'd just found you. Did you really think we were gonna let those bunch of shuck-faces do anything to you? You owe me. Big time."

He strolled over to them and started to cut the tape. He nodded towards Amelia. "What happened to her?" 

Thomas rubbed his wrists as he stood up. He shrugged. "Don't know, probably drugged by one of the Cranks who practically kidnapped us." 

Minho furrowed his brows and nodded, processing the new information. He cut the tape off of the unconscious girl. Before Amelia fell forwards, Thomas caught her. He ripped off the tape from her mouth and carried her bridal style. 

"How'd you find us?" Thomas asked, adjusting Amelia in his arms. 

"Yesterday morning, we kind of spread out, spying here and there. Jorge and Brenda have been leading us through the city - avoiding Cranks, finding food. Frypan peeked around the corner into the alley up there just as those three shanks pulled a gun on you," Minho explained. He wiped some of the dirt off of his face before continuing. "He came back, we got mad, started planning out ambush. Most of them were wasted or asleep." 

Minho led him upstairs. Amelia was still unconscious in Thomas' arms. He re-adjusted her so her head would lay on his shoulder. He stared at her, worry in his eyes. He licked his lips as he continued to follow the ex-runner.

The pungent smell hit him, it felt like a slap to the face. It smelt like sweat and vomit. Bodies littered the floor, some sleeping, some huddled together and shivering; some even looked dead.

Jorge, Brenda, Newt and Aris were standing guard. Their knives were drawn and pointing. They were slowly turning in circles. Thomas spotted Frypan, Alec and the other Gladers too. Although his head was throbbing, he felt a rush of relief and excitement flow through him. 

"Holy shit," Brenda muttered as she rushed towards him. Her words attracted the attention of the others too. Jorge jogged to him, he held his arms out to signal to pass Amelia to him. Thomas obeyed. 

Newt came up to him, giving the brunette a sincere smile. "Glad you're not bloody dead, Tommy. I'm really, really glad."

"Yeah. He might not be dead, but she could," Brenda scoffed. 

"She's breathing, it's fine," Jorge reassured the other girl. Thomas looked over to Amelia once again. She was being carried bridal style, her head on Jorge's shoulder. Her arms were limp on her sides, mouth slightly ajar. The fact that she was breathing gave Thomas a slight reassurance.  

He looked around the scenary once more. Tall and Ugly sat on the ground, Ponytail next to him. Both were curled up on the ground. The sight of them sent panic to flood through Thomas. Where was Blondie? He scanned the room - there wasn't a sign of the leader. 

Thomas whispered to Minho. When he and Newt was close to the brunette, he leaned in. "The guy with really short blonde hair. Seemed like the leader. What happened to him?"

Minho shrugged and turned to Newt for an answer. "Must've got out. A handful did - we couldn't stop all of them." 

"Why?" Minho asked. He crossed his arms, concern written on his face. "You worried about him?" 

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