Always Wanted to Be Your Friend

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Also I've convinced the majority of my family to call me Calsqueezy (don't ask). I find it rather entertaining.


(y/n)'s POV

I hoisted my backpack onto my shoulders, holding the straps so that it pressed against my back. I looked up at the school's entrance as I walked, nervously chewing at the inside of my cheek for something to do. One backpack strap fell from my hand as I opened the door, but I quickly resumed it's tight position near my ribs. I had insisted on going to school, against my mother's request, and now I believe I'm making a mistake. Everything at school seemed eerily normal and quiet as my shoes squeaked down the halls. Approaching my locker, I let my guard down, twisting in the 6 digit code and yanking the knob to open it. The door swung open and I knelt down to the books at the bottom of my locker. I pulled my lunch from my bag and set in my locker on one of the hooks towards the top. I nervously glanced around, wishing someone had walked with me to school, but I didn't want to disturb anyone this early.

"Hey." I glanced around the metal, locker door at Brad standing there, almost hiding from me. I felt my muscles tense and I crossed my arms protectively. "I just wanted to apologize and tell you that I'll leave you alone now. I was way out of line." he said, backing away from me as I so clearly wanted him to do. He reminded me a lot of Austin when I was first dating him. Timid, embarrassed, and sincere; but that was clearly all a ruse.

"That's fine. Just...please go away." I said. His body language was dripping with cowardice.

"Yeah, sorry." he said. He scurried away to where his friends, the same that backed him up at the dance, were stood. They all ducked their heads, whispering, but it didn't seem cruel. It seemed...embarrassed. All I wanted was to crawl into my locker until the end of the day, but I know I can't do that.

"Hey, Brad?" I called out, jogging, as well as I could considering the extra weight seated on my back, towards him. 

"Yeah?" He asked, shying away from me.

"You or Austin didn't start any rumor or something did you?" I asked. His eyes flickered over my face.

"Oh no. After I realized what I did, I knew I shouldn't mention it to Austin. I know he'd do something and I didn't want to do anything else to you." he said. I glanced at his friends and they nodded along with his statements.

"Okay, thanks." I said, giving a nod. It was my turn now to walk away and head to my first class. I hobbled up the stairs lazily on account of the Monday morning drag.

"Hey, one more thing." I turned and looked down the stairs at Brad who had run after me. "I thought you might like to know that Austin's suspension ends today." he said. I felt my lips part as my jaw sunk. I closed it and swallowed.

"Thank you for telling me." I said, giving a unconvincing smile. He pursed his mouth and hopped down the stairs 2 at time, leaving me in the rather empty halls. The rush of students wasn't due for about 10 minutes so the halls were relatively empty. A girl from my gym class waved to me as I exited the stairs and I gave a short motion back. I strolled down the hall until I reached my classroom and I entered. My math teacher gave a nod of acknowledgement and I glanced around at the few students lethargically shuffling around or sitting. I spotted Dan in his seat, his head in his arms, most likely sleeping. I sat down on the edge of his desk, propping my feet on the bar of the adjacent one. I crossed my arms casually and wet my throat.

Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dan x Reader High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now