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slight trigger warning: breathing problems and vomiting

It's not as bad but I wanted everyone to be comfortable

Hoseok P.O.V.

It came to a point where I was hoping that her heart would be racing instead of mine, her breathing would be jagged instead of mine, her fingers shake and twitch instead of mine.

Still she was, her breathing shallow.

Thoughts of my past clouded my mind as I helplessly waited for her to do something. Cough, move, speak... just something.

Remember when you were in that situation?

How could I forget...

-A couple of years in the past-

What do you do when feel like your lungs aren't transferring oxygen properly?

And what do you do if that actually happens?

My eyes were open. They were open and I could see everything, still it looked clouded and weird, nothing made sense.

"I know it hurts, uhm just please try to breathe, uhm b- just breathe in"

A female voice, old.

With the certainty that my next move was going to hurt, I clenched my hands to fists and tried to suck in a breath of air.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, my teeth clamping together while I tried to endure the pain. Hoping that I could breathe one time without any complications.

A cough.

What was one was followed by another, and another.

My pupils dilated, I tried to wheeze for air but couldn't, something was keeping me from it.

The other voice became panicky, unsure of what excactly to do.

"Oh my god, oh no-"

My body spasmed and shook, my fingernails scratching at the uneven ground I was lying on.

Desperately trying to say something, I could only utter a few words,

"...b..back, my b- Fuck!"

Another cough disrupted my voice, leaving my head dizzy. My hands started flailing in hope to hold on to anything at all.

Shifting, then another voice.


Suddenly, with one swift movement I was hurled to my side, my right arm bruising.

A shaky breath got into my lungs, my eyes started to tear up from relief before another cough rocked through my body.

But this one was different.

I made a gurgling sound and as if that was what triggered it, I was pushed again so I laid on my  belly, then hoisted up into a crouching position.

Vomiting up some kind of muckus, my body started to tense and relax.

Tense, relax, tense, relax, tense, tense, tense, relax.



I was laying on my back again, breathing painfully. Breathing.

My eyes darted around, searching for someone.

The voice.

"Oh my god- okay uhm..."

I saw an elderly woman, hurriedly looking between me and somebody else.

The other person crouched down next to me and pressed a waterbottle at my crusty and dry lips.

"Drink up, your body needs water now."

I did as I was told, sweat turning cold and my breathing starting to normalise.

A shaky sigh escaped my lips, blinking the accumulated tears away while staring at a young man around my age. His hair was dishevelled and black, a baggy Hoodie and sweatpants adorned his body, eyes calm.

"Th-thanks... I  ha..have bronchitis..."

I coughed again and cleared my throat.

It's very common... in uhm.. my family and I get it pretty frequently.“

Another sigh of content escaped my lips.

Letting me lay on my back is the worst mistake...“

My response was shallow, my voice still strained from coughing so much.

He shifted, giving me the waterbottle and finally sitting next to me.

"It's alright. I'm glad you're better. My name is Yoongi."

Finally, after all this stress I could breathe and comprehend my surroundings.



I shook my head to focus again and scrunched my eyes together until I heard a rustling noise in front of me.

A shallow voice. Barely audible.

"Leave me..."

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