"I see. So Jiraiya sensie, huh." Pein mused

"What will you do?" Konan asked

"I think a reunion is in order." Pein said as he turned to Konan

"Lead me to him" Pein ordered

"Very well then, i will go a head and stall him until you get there" she said before teleporting away

"Well.....i have been trying to lure out this Pein fellow, but i never imagine you would show up. You've honed your Kiekai Genkai magnificently, Konan. A one of my spy network told me you had died but i never would have guessed you turned into sheets if paper though. So who is it? Is it Nagato or Yahiko who is behind this so called God that this village preach on and on about" he asked neutrally

'Its better if she doesn't know i learned she is alive from Naruko and Itachi. I still have no idea where her side is' Jiraiya thought

Meanwhile Naruko and Itachi arrive within seeing distance but way beyond the hearing range.

"What are they doing? They're just standing there" Naruko whispered

"Shhhh" Itachi hushed at the blonde

Suddenly, Pein appeared out of nowhere making Jiraiya and the hidden two self proclaimed backup tense up and on guard.

'Forget about being the enemy. I love the orange hair, kinda like Juugo's. His eyes looks so cool. Look at at those ring- YOU'RE GETTING OUT OF FOCUS YOU IDIOT!' Kyuubi roared as Naruko's out of place thoughts were cut off

"Jiraiya sensie, this brings up memories. You haven't changed much" Pein stated

"Nagato.......you changed completely: i am also referring to your looks, as far as i remember you have red hair not orange like Yahiko's. I know you treat him like a brother but is it necessary to copy his style?" Jiraiya mused, the two in front of the Toad Sage sweat dropped

"I'm going out if the limb here and i am assuming that be cause you two haven't attacked yet. You aren't planning to.....at least not in the moment" Jiraiya said, still not letting his guard down

"Yes. We have no reason to attack you at the moment, Jiraiya" Pein answered, Jiraiya nodded

While Pein explained why he and Konan joined Tobi and Yahiko's death. Naruko and Itachi waited for any hostile movements. Since they are out of hearing range, millions of scenarios swirled in the blonde's mind

"The suspense is killing me. At least they would fight now. It would rest my mind from thinking about it way too much" Naruko muttered

"I see. So you two have split from the Organisation.......that's a relief! Phew. I really don't fancy fighting the two of you. One to two aren't a very good odds" Jiraiya smiled

"The odds were more in your favour than you realised......you have hidden reinforcement" Pein said, not looking at the direction if the two, the other Six of Paths appeared next to Pein making Jiriaya looked in shock

"That's the signal!" Naruko hissed and grabbed Itachi before flashing in front of Jirajya, in a stance

"You brat! What are you doing here?!" Jiraiya drilled his fist on the blonde's head

"Ow! What the heck was that for?! I came here to save your sorry ass!" Naruko yelled

"Of all the things you have done, this is the worse!" Jiraiya yelled, Naruko shrunk at the angry gaze

"Why would you do this? Itachi how could you let her go through simethbg like this! I thought you are responsible!" Jiraiya turned to the Uchiha

"Pervy Sage you know exactly why an he have no choice! I drag him along the ridec he was just looking out for me!" Naruko cut in, not wanting her teacher yelling at Itachi for some reasons

"I was looking out for your when told you to stay home!" Jiraiya hissed, making the blonde shrink again

Pein and Konan approach them as they watch Jiraiya chew on the Namikaze Uzumaki Heir who keep shrinking and shrinking.

"Ahem" Konan faked cough to draw attention to her and save the blonde at the same time

"So what are you guys talking about?" Naruko asked

"None of your business" Jiraiya said flatly

"Fine, be like that" Naruko pouted

The blonde crossed her arms emphasising her breast and showing her cleavage in the mini yukata that drawer Itachi's attention, Jiraiya drolled at the sight. Pein is also staring but at the pouted lips

'She's like a child. Its facinating that she can act so childish and still be a strong Konoichi, despite everything she went through. She's just like Yahiko. She's so innocent' Pein noted as he remembered Yahiko's childishness

"STOP STARING AT MY CHEST YOU PERVE!!!!" Naruko sucker punch Jiraiya that sent him soaring a 20 metters away

'Maybe not all that innocent' Pein did a double take

'He never dealt with Naruko's childishness before like i have. Needless to say, the simplest interactions between them could be interesting. She's a positive influence after all' Konan smiled

Itachi notice his former Leader's attention on the blonde, his thoughts were not amused

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