When Everything Began

Start from the beginning

"Normally it's him-" Dec nods over at Ant here, "-that's falling over stuff and hurting himself in the most ridiculous ways."

That made Bob laugh, and having now reached the medic's room, he unlocked the door and gestured for the boys to go inside before he followed them, closing the door behind him. He reached under the table to grab his kit and slid it out onto the floor, kneeling down next to the spare bed and gesturing for Dec to take a seat on the quilt.

He did, and Ant joined him almost immediately, still looking a little wary and unsure of the medic.

Ant later apologised for his stand-offishness during that first meeting, explaining that he was always nervous and wary around new people, and that it hadn't been anything against Bob (who had immediately chuckled and assured him that it was fine).

Putting on a pair of gloves, Bob took out some saline and a bucket from the bathroom, before he instructed Dec to hold his hands over the bucket - palms up - so that he could run the saline over the grazes on them.

"This is going to sting pretty badly at first" Bob warned, making sure that the younger man was ready before he started to clean the wounds out.

He got an instant hiss of pain as the salty water dribbled onto the open wounds, and Bob muttered a sympathetic apology as he dabbed at the grazes and wiped the bits of dirt and gravel out of them.

Watching from the side, Ant felt himself starting to relax as he felt Dec relax against his side. He saw the gentleness and the care that the older man was taking with his friend's injuries, and he heard the calmness and kindness of his warm voice. He couldn't help but feel more at ease in the other man's presence, despite having only just met him.

"So you're going to be part of the show too?" Ant asked curiously, grip on Dec's shoulder tightening as the smaller man let out a particularly pained hiss as Bob attempted to remove a stubborn piece of gravel from his wound.

"Yep" Bob answered, sighing as he succeeded in removing the troublesome piece of tiny rock and shooting Dec an apologetic glance. "I'm actually going to be the medic on the show" he added, pouring some more saline over the grazes to give them a final clean.

They were silent as Bob gently dried the wounds with a spare towel and then putting a dressing over Dec's palms before wrapping them both in a soft cotton bandage to hold them in place.

"Well, all done lads" he announced about a minute later, standing back and smiling down at the pair of them.

Tidying his kit, Bob pushed it back under the counter and turned back to the boys, who were both smiling up at him.

"Thanks....uh, Bob?" Dec spoke up for them both, cautiously saying the medic's name in case he'd got it wrong. It made Bob chuckle, and he nodded in assurance that that was indeed his name, and he chuckled harder when the smaller man visibly relaxed at that.

"Well, I hope that you both can enjoy your stay here in Australia" he began, holding out his hand to the boys for them to shake - which they both did. "And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come and knock on my door - it's always open."

Nodding in acknowledgement, both Ant and Dec assured him that they would, and that they were looking forward to the show starting, and also to being able to explore more of Australia in their downtime, before they waved goodbye to Bob and left the room - both smiling happily as they did.

Bob watched them leave, an amused smile pulling at his lips and a warmth already spreading in his heart.

If the next few series turned out anything like this one, then this would be potentially one of the best jobs of his life.

What he did know is that now he'd met those two pint-sized Geordies, and now that he knew that the series would be continuing for the next few years at least, he knew that his summers would never, ever be the same.

And - as he thought to himself many years later- he wouldn't have had it any other way.

And - as he thought to himself many years later- he wouldn't have had it any other way

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END of this story.......


That brings us to the end of this fic. I want to say thank you to everyone who's stuck with us from beginning to now this, the end, and I hope you've all enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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