Building Bridges (Pt. 3)

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There, hidden amongst the undergrowth and covered in mud, was an old 'Bridge out of order. DO NOT CROSS' sign.

"Ant, we can't go out there - this is the bridge that is broken, and if we go out there, we'll only end up hurt as well."

Forced to obey, Ant stopped struggling, and his eyes wandered back out to his friend, heart breaking in fear at the sight.

'Oh Deccy, I'm sorry.......'


A quick radio call back to the folks at the tree-house got the rescue-ball rolling. An ambulance was on its way, as was the wilderness search and rescue chopper.

In the minutes waiting for the help to arrive, Ricky and Steve had pulled up in one of the crew cars, and had taken Nellie back to Clare. They then returned and explained to Bob and Ant that the chopper had landed in a nearby clearing and was waiting for further instructions.

Without hesitation, they all got back into the car and Steve drove them down to the clearing, where the ambulance and chopper were indeed waiting for them.

After a quick discussion with the pilot of the chopper - and given his previous experience of doing similar rescues, and also being a familiar face - it was decided that Bob would shoulder the actual rescue itself. It took a few minutes to get harnessed up and into the chopper, before they took off from the ground and made their way towards the bridge.

Frank - the other man on board the chopper, who would also be in charge of controlling the rope that Bob was attached to - set about doing his last minute checks of the equipment, before the chopper came to a relative halt, hovering in place above the bridge.

Bob turned and gave Frank a thumbs-up, and the younger man opened the door of the helicopter and the medic eased his way out of the cabin and began his descent down to the bridge.

As Frank lowered him down, Bob's apprehension began to stir in his throat. There was always a degree of difficulty that came with any heights rescues, let alone when he hadn't done one in nearly seven years.

Finally making it to the bridge, he set to work pulling the rotten wood away from Dec's trapped leg - creating a hole large enough to safely move his leg out from its confinement. Then, once his patient was free, Bob scooped him up into his arms and held tightly onto his body.

Just as the helicopter was about to lift them back up again, Dec started to stir in his hold.

"Hey kiddo" Bob murmured softly, not sure if he would be heard over the sound of the chopper blades whirring overhead.

Foggy hazel eyes stared back at him, the heat stroke already taking its toll.

"Da?" he croaked, tongue swollen and dry.

Heart clenching, Bob shook his head sadly and tightened his grip as they were lifted into the air and flown down to the clearing where the ambulance was waiting patiently for their arrival.

Once they'd touched down, Ricky stepped in behind him to release him from the caribeena, and Bob immediately carried his patient over to the waiting crew and set him gently down on the stretcher.

Tanya looked at him expectantly, as if waiting to hear his provisional diagnosis.

Sighing, Bob bent down and whispered in her ear "Heat stroke, we need to go."

Nodding quickly, Tanya gestured for her partner, Gen, to load the stretcher into the truck, and then she climbed into the back, closing the doors behind her.

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