Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)

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"You got pretty close in the end," Ben notices.

"Yeah, I just lost in stamina," Brenton agrees.

"The results are in!" As soon as the announcer said that, the entire crowd went silent.

"Ben Fern wins by two point! Congratulation Ben! Good run Brenton!" The announcer congratulates.

"You were saying?" Ben grins, raising his eyebrow.

"Good game you competitive weirdo," Brenton rolls his eyes with a smile. The red-head finds himself being hugged and looks behind him to see all his friends giving him a hug. He lets out a smile before saying, "Thanks for the support you guys."

"That smile must be protected," Urana blurts.

"You should smile like that more often," Ava adds.

"It suits your face," Alex says.

"I agree with all of them," Owen agrees.

"And I have a picture!" Ku grins brightly.

"Anytime though dude," Owen pats his back.

"You pulled off stunts that looked really awesome!" Ava jumps.

"And you looked so cool while doing it!" Alex adds.

"It was an awesome performance," Urana punches Brenton's arm playfully.

"Those were some good moves, we've gotta skate together sometime," Amy smiles. "I've got some pointers if you're willing to listen."

"Brenton that was amazing! I was stunned by your amazing performance! It was truly spectacular!" Ku gushes, looking as proud as a parent would be.

"He said: that's my grandson! every time you even moved. He's insane," Amy shakes her head with a grin.

"What? I am very proud of Brenton!" Ku replies, giving Brenton a tight hug.

"I'm glad you guys liked it," Brenton says, shifting his skateboard to the ground and stepping on it. "I've gotta go put these things away, then I'll introduce you to Ben and Belle," Brenton adds, then takes off.


After placing his things in his bag, Brenton walks outside, running a hand through his hair. Which he just retouched with gel to keep the spikes.

He spots his group of friends and runs over. "Stay here, I'm gonna bring Ben and Belle over," Brenton announces then takes off again.

He finds the two sophomores, and runs up to them. "Time for you guys to meet my friends," Brenton says.

"You sure took your sweet time," Belle comments. "And what's up with the bandage on your cheek?"

"Honestly. Can't we not talk about this?" Brenton rolls his eyes.

"She's just teasing you. You do take a while to make sure you have spikes," Ben brings up.

"Whatever, just c'mon," Brenton turns on his heel and walks towards the bigger group. Once they all reach them, Brenton clears his throat to get their attention.

"This is Ben the competitive weirdo, and this Belle, the coordinated perfectionist," Brenton points to them. "This is Sensei-or what I like to call him is Gramps-and this is Coach-or the crazy sports monster," Brenton points to the two of them.

"I'm not crazy," Amy sighs.

"I am not that old either," Ku chuckles.

"That's Alex and Ava, Clown and Jokester. Owen and Urana, the never ending fighters and brainiacs," Brenton points to them.

Elements: Rise of The Destruction (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant