Raven the Demon Lord

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(Y/N) Pov

I was walking home from hanging out with my friends when I saw a woman about to get hit by a car and I decided to save her.

(Y/N): LOOK OUT! (I pushes her out if the way and barely dodges the car)

She realizes what he had done for her.

???: Thank you so much for saving me.

(Y/N): No problem.

???: How can I ever repay you.

(Y/N): It was nothing now if you'll excuse me I have to go. Be safe

???: Hey I never got your name. She asks?

(Y/N): My names (Y/N). What's yours?

???: It's Raven

(Y/N): Well it was nice meeting you Raven. Have a good night!

(Y/N) walked away leaving the woman to think to herself.

Raven: He was so nice,and brave to save me. I know just what to give him as a reward.

The Next Day

(Y/N) was at home drinking one of his favorite drinks when he heard a knock on his door. He looked through the peep hole to see it was Raven. Wondering why she was at his door he opens it.

Raven: Hi (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Raven. Why do you look different than last night.

Raven: Because I am the mamono Demon Lord and I want to take you to your gift.

(Y/N): Raven I told you don't have to get-

Raven: I won't take no for an answer (Y/N). Take my hand and I will take you there.

(Y/N): Ok

Raven and (Y/N) teleport to some island.

(Y/N): Raven where are we I thought you were taking me to my gift.

Raven: This is you gift. This is your island sweetie.

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