"I rarely kid Richie." Ama said. "He was rude to me when we first met. The guy that challenged my status in The Hamster Wheel. He still doesn't know."

"Well you might wanna get your Q&A face on because it looks like he's packing some beefy questions."

Ama turned to see Graham was standing at the entrance of their booth, hands in his pockets and looking sexy as hell in a black V-neck. She leaned onto Richie a little more, staring shamelessly at the man before her through her shades. His black hair had been slicked back with a few stands falling around his face.

Damn, the things she could do to him. But Ama couldn't let her libido think for her just yet.

"Still holding up your VIP status I see Miss. Jenkins." He said with a straight face. Trust him to go and spoil the mood.

"To think you'd be over that by now, if you really want to know about my 'VIP status' Mr. Banks, you'd exercise those manners your mother taught you." Ama replied, leaning forward to sip her drink.

"Is that so?" Ama gave a single nod. "Well, Miss. Jenkins, it would be a pleasure if you could enlighten me with your relations to this, uurrr... institute?"

Ama rolled her eyes at the flowery language, but she gave him his answer.

"I co-own this club and other's like it. I have for a long time. The owner is my step-brother." She said with a shrug, turning to clink her glass with Richie. She didn't bother looking at the confused expression on his face, she knew it was there.

"Dude what are you still doing here? Can't you see the lady of the house has dismissed you?" Richie exclaimed after a while, raising his eyebrow.

"She can't dismiss me when I have an agenda."

"An agenda, Mr. Banks?" Ama asked

"Yes. I apologise for standing you up the other day, I'd like to have that dance."

An apology and an offer to dance? What kind of agenda did Graham have this time?

Ama stood from her seat, letting her fur poncho fall from her shoulders. Blowing a kiss in Richie's direction, she let Graham lead her onto the dance floor. He was a good mover, a great mover. He moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music, his feet tapping to the heavy bass and head bopping to the beat.

But he didn't lose complete control, he kept a firm grip on Ama's waist as she bucked her hips against his. She could feel his arousal growing against her thigh and her skin tingled when he touched her bare middle. After a while, they'd danced into a quieter corner of the club.

"What do you want Mr. Banks?" Ama asked, her arms still slung around his neck.

"What makes you think I want something. I got the dance I asked for didn't I?"

"Well lets see. You were polite to me and apologised to me for your attitude. I don't believe that agenda of yours has been fulfilled."

"Nothing much gets past you, does it Miss. Jenkins?" He said, running his finger along her spine.

Ama let out a breathy laugh, feeling her sex clench between her legs as his husky voice caressed her neck.

"If your fishing for a one night stand Mr. Banks, I can assure you that it will take more than a dance to get anywhere near me in that respect." And with that she slipped out of Grahams arms and walked back to her booth.

"Your know your too up tight for a twenty-two year old." Graham mumbled, taking Ama by the hand and spinning her back round to face him. "You need to loosen up a bit."

Though Ama's body screamed at her to abide to this pleasurable idea, she knew it could only end in tears. She had no time to be played.

"GRAHAM!" She exclaimed, drawing his attention back to her face. "What, do, you, want?"

Graham sighed, knowing he wasn't getting anywhere.

"I'd like for you to be my date at the launch party this weekend." He mumbled, looking far from committed to this agenda.

"I'm sorry Mr. Banks, I can't do that for you. It would be bad for my image. The press could take the situation and assume anything from..."

Suddenly, Graham was very close. His hand had crept all the way up to Ama's ear and was slowly removing her mirrored shades.

"You talk too much." He whispered, before pressing his lips against hers.

Ama was frozen at first, not knowing what to do, but the smooth rhythm of his lips against hers slowly coaxed her to join the sensual dance. The feeling was so divine, his lips were warm and soft, and they worked expertly against hers.

She could feel his tongue against her lips, begging for entrance; in a moment of weakness, she let him in with a throaty moan. The sensation hit Ama like a train as their tongues tangled, she savoured the musky taste of fruit punch and whisky dancing in Graham's mouth. She wanted more of it more, more of him, and she pulled him closer, grinding rhythmically against his groin.

It was a feeling she had not felt in a long time and she was reminded of how much she missed it. How much she loved to be kissed, to be touched be a man. How much she wanted to be the centre of their world. How they could make you feel that way.

How all of it could be a lie. How it was all a façade to trick her into submission to their wicked wish. To his wicked wish. The way she had once thought he was so great, so worthy of her. How much pain and betrayal when she found the truth.

Ama backed up abruptly, biting a little too hard on Grahams lip. He let out a loud hiss.

"What was that for?" He growled.

"Sorry! Sorry!" She exclaimed, annoyed at letting herself get carried away. "I'll take your offer. Just please, don't kiss me again. I've already warned you to keep your distance from me and I mean it."

Ama stormed of without a look back. She couldn't believe she'd let Graham kiss her. It want against all the her rules, she wasn't safe yet. She wasn't free to let herself get too involved in with someone else. She was already bound by a code, and too deep in the dark to be rescued.

But as she sat back down in the boot, ignoring her brother's questions and reapplying her shades so she could take a drink, she wasn't quite sure if she really meant what she said. Ama felt something different in that kiss. Something like freedom, something like power. Domination, but from both her and Graham.

For the first time in a long time, Ama felt a little spark within her. A little light that could guide her way out of the dark.

A little light.

A little hope...


Hellooo!! It's a Sunday!! Here's an update!!!

Shout out to my lil buddy @dufmanhvb. I know you've been waiting for it! ^-^!!

What do y'all think about it?

What could possibly stop a girl from kissing a hottie like Graham?

What do you think of Richie?

Please do comment and vote.

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More Than Politics {Book 1}: EditingWhere stories live. Discover now