Dinner in a Strange House That Just So Happened to be His Own

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Logan drove down his old street for the second time that day. It was five past seven and Alex hated lateness. He'd brought a bottle of Champaign as a peace offering but it really didn't seem to be enough.

He rang the doorbell. A man, Ryan, opened the door. His heart sank as he remember that detail. He was ushered in and introduced to Grace, Ryan's fiance. She was a pretty blond thing that fawned over him. Her almost anorexic figure made him feel sick but it was obvious that she was healing.

The smell that met his nostrils forced him to take a seat. Alex was in the kitchen finishing off the last of her secret recipe spaghetti bolonaise and garlic bread. Something he had tasted a thousand times before and never got sick of.

Looking around, he noticed that the house was basically the same as it used to be. The only differences were the lack of photos of him and a new door next to his old bedroom. Lily's. He recognised.

Logan was woken from his reverie by high pitched yapping as Levon ran into his lap. "Hey boy." he said. "I've missed you." his usual 'daddy's home' didn't seem appropriate.

"Logan!" came a giggling voice that seemed to vibrate. It vibrated because she was running and leaping into his arms.

Surprised, Logan hugged back, spinning her a little with the momentum. "Hey Lily." he chuckled. His laughter was cut short what he found Alex. Clad in her old trackies and a baggy shirt she bore her real self. The person that cared more about comfort than class without being a slob. He smiled and place Lily on the ground, thinking Alex's look was a warning.

"Hi." he spoke tentatively, offering her the Champaign.

She never took her eyes off of him as he took the bottle, careful to avoid brushing his fingers. "You shouldn't have." was all she said.

As Ryan and Lily set the table Alex poured them a glass each of the alcohol and Lily watered down apple juice in the same glass that everybody else got so that she didn't feel left out.

Waiting for everybody to take their seats, Logan was left with the seat beside Alex, opposite Lily.

"So," Alex began, twirling her spaghetti in her fork like a pro. "What's up?" she looked at him. Ryan and Grace where emmersed in deep conversation and where being quite antisocial. Normally Alex would have scolded Ryan for not interacting with his child, but this time she let him off the hook. He'd just got engaged.

Logan was amazed by the mere fact that she could still read him like a book. She diverted her gaze for a second to dissect the longish pasta stands her daughter was struggling with.

"I broke up with my girlfriend." he tried not to smile. It had hurt but it hurt more to be away from where he belonged. Beside Alex.

Alex surpressed a smile as she continued to cut her daughter's food. She might have another chance, was the only thing her brain was telling her.

"That makes mummy happy."Lily chimed, recognising her mother's happy face. "She still loves you." Alex glared at her daughter and hung her head. Embarrassed it happened like this.

Logan laughed, too hopeful for his liking. "She loves you Lily." Logan corrected.

Their conversation died after that and Alex interrupted the two engaged lovebirds to start a generic, whole-table conversation.

The night proceeded without another mention of old flames. Logan even found himself laughing and feeling comfortable in the house that was no longer his. But maybe that was the alcohol.

"So Alex," Ryan said, "There's a party on on Firday. Mitch Fosters. He'd, uh, he asked me to invite you."

Alex laughed. "Yeah." she said unbelieving. "You tell him that I'm a mother now. I am responsible. And I can't." she emphasised

Everybody but Logan laughed hysterically saying 'you...responsible...yeah." Even Lily.

Alex was horrified. She pointed at Lily, "You contaminated her." she chuckled at Ryan. "Don't you dare laugh Lily." she continued to laugh at her mother, "Oh come on." Alex.whined. Laughing along with them.

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