Logandra Angst/Baby Fic

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"Al, Al, I'm sorry I didn't mean it I swear." He touched her shoulder and she flinched. Breaking his heart.

"No Logan. How can you say something like that and expect me to forgive you. Nobody says that without having thought it before." Her arms folded over her chest. For the first time, that slight movement, she slight 'squished' look of her breasts didn't turn him on. Didn't distract him.

"I was joking." he tried to get her to look at him. "I've apologised. What more do you want me to say?"

She looked at him. Tears in her eyes because he called her a whore. Lovingly, he claims. But still.

She exhaled. Loud and long. Showing him that she regretted what she was going to say.

He nearly wet himself. He'd seen that face before. Her eyes a steel like colour, her cheeks a shade of red one down from salmon and eyes blotchy because of his actions. The last time he had seen that face was after she found out about Amy Vaver.

His throat constricted and he fought to keep upright even though the thought of leaving her and her leaving him made him want to curl up in the corner, drag a knife across his skin and plead innocent even though he was guilty of his crimes.

"Logan." she bit her lip. Tears flowing steadily. "Logan, I think- I -maybe we're better apart." she wouldn't meet his eyes.

He knew it was comimg but the words still made him gasp. "Al, you know that's not true. You're my better half." his eyes pleaded with her. Tears rolling steadily down his cheeks. "Alex I promise I'll be better. I can change. I -" he broke down in front of her.

"Logan, don't change. You're perfect the way you are."

"Then why?" he knew why.

"We're not working. We keep fighting. Its been over for a while."

Stunned into silence, he bit his lip. Nodded, knowing she had a point and looked into her pale blue eyes for one last time, trying to change her mind.

She didn't. She never changed her mind once it had been made up. He loved that about her.

He threw open the closet, ripping out his suitcase. He loved a lot about her. The way she looked at him like he was her missing piece. The way her lips curled upwards when she was trying not to laugh. The way her blue eyes shined in the moonlight and the way the sun danced on her skin. He especially loved the way she snorted when she laughed, loud and long, about something barely funny.

He knew, as he packed his bags that this was officially goodbye. That he wouldn't see her out of work ever again. And he hated the thought.

Quietly, he crept over to the music room. Waiting at the door, he could hear her gut wrenching sobs and they broke his heart.

Whispering 'I'm sorry, I love you.' through the door, he barely paused to hear her gasp before he dropped his key on the dining table and walked through the door. It was the first time he had ever left with his bags in his hands without Alex by his side and he hated it.

Logandra Angst/Baby FicWhere stories live. Discover now