Chapter 24

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"Everything about this isn't right," Shin said storming off. He couldn't believe they were actually letting the civilians die. That was wrong. He was going to do what he could to help them.

"Shin, please wait. We have to stay together." Shin ignored Lee's calling and just kept walking away.

"I can't believe he still has that drive to help people. It's hopeless." Sophia said.

"You once had such drive and so did Sarah."

"Leave her out of this."

"I can't, because she a big deal from what is happening to you." There was a little pause. Lee was hoping she wouldn't comment on it, and when she didn't speak he continued.

"What happened between you two."


Shin walked away from Lee as he was speaking because he was tired of listening.

Who invented rules that said we shouldn't help the innocent. That's just absurd. He kept walking till he got tired then just rested under a shade.

"I heard what you said."

A female voice spoke out but he didn't he where it came from.

"Did you really mean it?" She said again as she showed herself. She was shorter than him and had a short bouncy hair with blue and green eyes. She was pretty and he hated the game for bringing someone like her here.

"Mean what?" He asked.

"That we are supposed to be helping others."

"Yes. I mean...that's why we're here right?"

"You're funny." She said giggling. "I don't think I've seen anyone like you before who want to help someone else." She said then continued giggling.

Shin got annoyed that she was using this to make fun of him, so he just started walking away again. Even though he wasn't able to get back to Sam, that doesn't mean he could not help other people.

"Hey wait, am sorry ok. I just couldn't help it." She stopped yelling when he stopped. "I am a member of the Taejon group, so you can understand." When he didn't turn she asked. "Do you have someone you care about on the other side?"

Hearing this made him stop immediately. His head turned following his body.

"Why do you care?"

"Everyone has a purpose for doing something, even though that thing can indeed get them killed." They both starred at each other.

"There's a phone booth at the intersection, here..." She threw a coin towards him and he caught it perfectly.

"...make your call. Am sure you would want to hear his voice."


"After I discovered who I was and what I was, it was obvious what I needed to do." Sophia started. "Having all that power in me and watching others use theirs to wreak havoc is some I could never allow... but this...this is all on me." She sobs.

"It's not your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself."

"But it is! I destroyed the book and now it's punishing me."

They both became silent. Lee was stunned by all the information that he didn't know what to say.

"This is....I don't know." He started but stopped.

"It's retribution. Everyone has a price to pay."

"It's that what you believe."

"It's system what I know. My mom - even though she was a replica of my real mom - tried to save me from this life, but ended up in here and left to die. My real mom used most of her powers to create replicas and then dissappear, but she lost her powers and months later are memories of me. My dad... (sobs). I never really got to know him."

Lee stay silent comforting her from behind and listening.

"While I thought I was finally going to have peace after I died, I ended up here to fight against the creatures I created for eternity. So yeah, it's what I believe."


Shin slides the coin into the booth and punches a number with the receiver placed on his ear. He listens as it rings.
Then suddenly a voice comes out from the other side.

"Hello" Ji Woo answered.

There was no reply

"Hello" He said again.

Shin couldn't bring himself to say anything. He had been worrying about Ji Woo, if he was expecting him to show but the sound of his voice sounded like the usual Ji Woo, so it was alright.

The line went dead and Shin dropped and phone back. He walked back to the lady.

"Thanks" He said

"No problem." She answered smiling.

They both became silent. Voice of civilians cry was heard from a distance.
Shin turned his head in the direction of the sound.

"You are still going to help them aren't you." She asked to which he nodded.
Her head propped to the floor, then she handed him her gun and walked away.

Shin looked at the gun on his hand, then started towards the sound.

They were both walking in separate directions, then she stopped and turned back. She ran to where he was.

"What?" He asked confused that she was back.

"You can't go alone. Lemme come with you."

"But...I thought..."

"Forget what I said. You look very determined and determined people always tend to surprise others."

Shin just nodded. And they began walking again.

"So how old is he?" She asked

"16, and how did you know it was a he?"

She smiled and continued, "My daughter is 16 too."

"Am sorry!"

"I said she's 16"

"You have a daughter."

"Yeah. What is that weird?"

"Uh-huh. I mean you look way smaller than me and I definitely wouldn't think you had a daughter."

She smiled again. "I have a idea. When we leave this place and go to the other side, let's have a sleep over. You, me, your brother and my daughter. It's going to be fun." Shin just kept staring at her as she kept talking.

"Oh I forgot. My name is Hanya."

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