Chapter Five (Fake Life)

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Speechless. That was exactly what I was. I mean Dwyane had just shown me his ring that made him invisible to humans, and I saw him put it on before Abdul walked in. Unless, he was lying and that was just an ordinary ring.

But wait, if it was indeed real, then why could I also see him, I mean I am human right, and not whatever he said I was. Human. It was just sinking in that the word really doesn't mean much anymore, anyone could be human or they could look like humans. That mean the person would be a human-alien. Perhaps that was me.

I noticed Dwyane's eye staring directly at mine, burning into my mind. It only took a few seconds before a heard a voice in my head. A few seconds that felt like hundreds. His voice was calm, gentle, as he spoke telling me to remain calm. I noticed his mouth weren't moving but yet I could hear him speak clearly.

Dwyane suddenly moved over to Abdul. He stretched his hand forward for a hand shake, which Abdul returned.
"Hi, my name is Dwyane, I think Sophia here is a little shocked."
Dwyane is actually talking to him right now, but why, I looked at his right hand were the ring was. It was still there, the ring was still on his finger so...

A silly thought came to my mind, maybe Abdul is a human-alien too. Which will explain why he is talking to Dwyane right now.

It's all fake you dumbass

Fake. It sure looked fake but how does one explain read minds and his voice in my head. I couldn't even explain it and it's my head.

"Shocked. Why would she be shocked. Did something happen?" Abdul said now looking towards me. Dwyane also turned to look at me. I just stood there staring at the two men in front of me. I guess Dwyane was trying to let him off without having to explain everything he told me to Abdul, so I decided to play along.

"Of course not, she's my sister" Dwyane said turning his face back to Abdul and then to me waiting for a response.
"What". Both Abdul and I said at the same time since we just heard it for the first time.

Siblings. How was I supposed to back that up, there's nothing about him that flows with me- Dwyane Bello- sounds weird and made up to me. And plus Abdul knows am not very good at lying. What was I going to do.

Dwyane noticed my distress and decided to go on explaining.
"We were still young kids then, I was six years old and Sophia here, was still quite baby. Three to be precise. Our dad was always travelling for business purposes, so we got to hang out with mom a lot. Then father decided to take us on one of his travels to Egypt, said it was going to be fun, we were all excited, especially you." I couldn't believe how well Dwyane was telling the story of a life that sounded nothing like mine. I almost started to believe they were true.

"There was accident, and, dad died, I thought I did. My body was found some days later by a girl and her mother by a stream. I couldn't remember much that happened but as time passed by, I did. Well..., to cut the story short, I inherited dad's business and then found your picture on one of New Yorks top ten counselors. Safe to say that I tracked you down and I know that dad and mom would be proud of you."

"Of us." I said. I didn't know how but my eyes were already getting blurry from the rising tear.

Abdul stood there amazed. He had never experienced a reunion like this before, not even one with such a story. He has always been very emotional and can get stirred up by even the lest emotional moments.


After Abdul delivered the news he had wanted to give me, he acknowledged Dwyane once again before leaving the both of us to our previous state.

"Is it true?" I had to ask.
"The story. Of course not." He paused for a moment as if expecting something from me. "Did you want to believe it?" He asked.
He probably didn't use his mind stalker trick again, if not he wouldn't have asked.

He sighed. "Well, that shouldn't be my concern now." I noticed he was still staring at the door which Abdul just went through.

"What. Abdul. He is a friend, there's nothing to worry about, believe me. If you weren't here, he'd probably still be releasing tears of joy for me". I said assuring him Abdul wasn't some demon-like super villain here to destroy the world.

"Well Sophia, if there is one thing every relic was taught even before they became lyrice, was how to tell a good lie and know when others are." I stared at him now as curiosity flooded my face. I have known Abdul for close to two years now, I don't think someone can just walk up to me and say Abdul is a fraud and expects me to believe. That person being Dwyane.

"Well... can you tell if he is saying the truth or not." I asked Dwyane rather defensively.
"I'm not sure", he admitted. "There is something about him that I can't explain yet."

"Then you don't know what you are talking about." I said taking a sit.
"Listen, there are three ways this is going to go. One. He being a lyrice, because I can smell traces of them around me, or two, he could be the next chosen like you and not know it..."

"Am sorry, not know it" I asked confused at how it would be possible.
"You didn't." He said looking at me in a judgmental way.
"And thirdly?" I said continuing the conversation.
"Prehaps I keep that one to myself for observations, for now. You just keep an eye on the book" he said in a commanding tone.

"What. You don't really expect me to babysit a book, do u?"
He didn't say anything, instead looked at me then turned his face before disappearing into thin air.


Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that being on wattpad is truly amazing. All the stories you get to read from different people, it's just so... awww.

So this is mine and I love it and hope you guys love too
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