Chapter 14 (GoodBye)

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It was night now and everybody had left the office, while I was still there in my mother’s arms realizing what really happened the day she died and the person that killed her.

I scurried away from her the moment I was myself again. What she had just shown me was unexpected. Larry was the one who killed her, and he was pretending to be my friend all this time.

I staggered as I tried to stand upright, my limbs wouldn’t let me, so I just fell to the floor again, resting myself on the opposite chair from the one my mom sat on.

“Are you ok, Sophia?” Sarah asked.

“No, no. Larry didn’t do it. He wouldn’t.” I said still looking disarrayed.

“Larry, who’s…” she stopped realizing he must have disguised himself to be my friend.

“Listen honey, his name isn’t Larry ok, it’s Cain.” She said on her knees in front of me.

I just kept shaking my head, ‘No, no, no, no’, was what I kept saying as my hands hovered just below my eyes as tears formed in my eyes.

“He is only using you Sophia, you have to stay clear of him.”

“No!” I shouted almost immediately. “Larry is my friend and he wouldn’t have done something like that.” I said as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Sophia, I’m your mom, you have to listen to m…” She said but I interrupted.

“Are you? Are you really? Because I saw my real mom vanish leaving me with her copy” I said. My eyes were red, from the tears and also because of the growing anger.

“Sophia, I’m your mother.” She said softly

“No, you’re not.” I replied angrily.

We both remained silent after that, I wanted an explanation and she just wanted to love me, since it had been a long time seen she had done so.

She went back to where she sat before and began rubbing her temples, meanwhile I just sobbed.

“Creating a replica of yourself is tough…” she began. “…and not to many relics learn how to do it. It entails splitting your feelings and emotions into half. There can also be more than one replica, but that means sharing feelings and emotions with more than more than one replica of you. So even if am not your mother, I have the emotions and feelings of her.”

“But why?” I said. I had quit sobbing and decided to listen.

“Why? It is because I love you, I couldn’t let you be like me at such a young age.”

“I was fifteen and you just left.” I said.

“And I will never forgive myself for it” she said reaching out to me as she came closer. “I will always love you.”

“Are you still alive?” I asked her, accepting all she had said.

“I don’t know. After I was imprisoned in the book for doing that spell, I don’t know what happened, I couldn’t even feel the others again.” I looked down to the rug, disappointed to hear it.

“But I know this,” she continued. “You are strong and you will find me, because are chosen just like I was.”

“How am I supposed to do that when I don’t even know how to be a chosen one?”

“It’s easy. Just be yourself.” She said then placed her hand on my cheek.

I smiled at her and placed my hand on hers. Even if she was a double, she was also my mom. They both had the same ambiance of love and comfort around them. I had missed this so much that I pulled her in for a hug. After ten years, I was able to hug my mom again, and even if she was just a copy, I would hug her like she was the original.

She was intertwined with me and I with her, and I taking in most of the moment and the feel of having her close to me when I felt her jerk within me. I immediately released her to find out what was going on.

“Mom, what’s wrong?” I asked with a worried tone.

“I’m fine sweetie; it seems I’m being called back.”

Our eyes met and I turned to look at book to see it glowing dimly.

“No, no mom, you can’t leave me, not again.” I said alarmed by the fact that I was going to be alone once again.

“I won’t. I’m always with you.” I felt her jerk again and I looked at the book once more, it was glowing brighter than it was before.

“If I resist any longer, it will kill me and take someone else to replace me.”

Drops of tears came rolling down my left cheek as I saw her leg slowly fading away. She wiped my face with her hand and said.

“No more tears honey, everything is okay. Everyone has a prize to pay.”

“But I still have a lot of questions?” I said trying to hold back more tears from falling.

“I know, so stop Cain or Larry and find me, and I will answer it all…” She moved the hair that was blocking my view to the back.

“…hey, all you have to do is believe.”

“Okay mom.”

Then her entire body started glowing and fading away, but I could still see her smile before she was completely gone from before me. I looked over at the book and saw it had closed. That was it. My mom was gone again, and it felt like it was for good until I find her original.

It was what I needed to stir me in the path of the chosen, just a short time with my mother. And now I had two goals set before me. One, I had to take down Cain or Larry, whoever he really was, Two, I needed to find my mom’s original self, so my questions would be answered.


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