" I'm so glad you are here N'Beam. I was worried you won't show up"

Beam cleared his throat looking away giving out an audible hmm. There was a brief silence between them until Forth decided to talk.

" Aren't you excited? They say the resort is beautiful because it's right next to the beach"

" Not really"

" Today there'll be a BBQ party too"

" Whatever"

" While others are occupied in the photo shoot we can have fun on the beach all day. Isn't that great?"

" What do you mean we?"

Younger snapped his head with a judging look making Forth regret his choose of words.

" Uh..t-the gang of senior moons of course. B-but you also can join...if you want to"

He said somewhat sheepishly wishing Beam wouldn't get mad again. Suddenly his phone started to ring breaking the tension.



" Hel-"


" Calm down Ai'Sun we are about to head out. Ai'Pha still haven't arrived"

" Tell that goof we've to be there by 10. You know there's lot more to do when we g- hold on.... you gotta be kidding me! Are you telling me this now? What do you mean he isn't here? Check the bathrooms! no? Ask N'Kim then. She might know, they are partners.... Ai'Forth you there?"

" Yeah "

" Is N'Beam with you right now?"

" Uh huh"

" Ask him if he has seen N'Cop this morning"

Forth lowered his phone turning to Beam only to see a mix of sad and anger on the latter's face. Before he could ask anything he beat him to it.

" No"

The first thing that came to his mind was 'did he find out?'.

" Well?"

P'Sun grumbled impatiently from the other end.

" Umm no. he said he didn't. Why? Is he missing?"

" Who's missing?" Pha came out of no where with a frown adorning his handsome features. Beam wordlessly got in to the van sparing one last glance at them.

"Ai'Pha did you tell N'Cop we are leaving today? Because he isn't in the bus"

Pha cursed messing his hair. He should have known that Kit would do something stubborn like this.

" Hey where are you going?" Forth shouted at the retreating figure sprinting towards the dorms.

" You guys go! I'll take him to the bus!"

Forth sighed. " Ai'Pha said they'll catch up. We are leaving then"

He hung up and get in to the driving seat starting the engine.

" Hey you guys have a spare seat? Our van is full"

Yo beamed when Ming jumped to the back seat where he was sitting. couldn't this day get any better?

"Oh N'Yo you're going too? "

Other responded to him by laying his head on the taller's lap grinning like a kid who got presents for Christmas.

Taming My KitKat (Phakit) (Mingkit) (Forthbeam) (Mingyo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt