Part 29

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who's ready for some angsty? No one??? T^T 






" What do you want?"

" You insolent bastard! Is that the way you talk to your father???"

" Huh father you say? Is it what they call the abusive drunkards who ruin their own child's life now?"

" You're lucky we're having this conversation through phone Beam! If not I would've taught you how to speak first!"

Beam scoffed. " Why? still haven't satisfied beating me to a pulp all these years?" He could hear his dad angrily panting from the other end.

" Acting all tough now huh? This is all because that little fucker isn't it? You used to be obedient until he came in!"

Beam gritted his teeth in anger. His hands already balled up to fists by his side ready to punch anything out of rage.

" Don't-call-him-that!"

An eerie dry chuckle erupted through the line. " Huh you still pins over that little shit aren't you? I knew you were a good for nothing fag! "

Beam suddenly felt numb as he dropped on to his knees, eyes brimmed with tears.

No no please stop! D-dad please! I-I'm not g-gay.. I'm s-sorry... I s-swear I h-haven't felt anything towards a-anyone b-beside him

" You are a disgusting faggot aren't you? This is why your mother left!"

" SHUT UP!!!!!"

Beam shrieked smashing the phone directly on the mirror shredding it in to thousand pieces. He let out a quiet sob hitting his back on the wall and hugging his knees. It was like repeating the same old years over again except for the absence of warmth and sense of security which were there to console him back then.

L-leave him alone! Can't you s-see he's hurting?

Get out of my way scum before I beat you too! Don't interfere with my family business!

N-no! You're g-going to hurt him a-again. I won't l-let you

You little! Do you think you can order me around?

I-i di-dn't- y-you're drunk. Beam let's g-go h-hurry


You are not going anywhere fucking shit! You've to repay all the expenses I had because of you and that wench whom you call your mother!


it's okay p-please don't cry. D-does it hurt? H-here let me put-

No j-just let me stay like this.

Are y-you sur-

Can I hug you?

h-huh? Of course Beam. I-if that makes you feel better


Taming My KitKat (Phakit) (Mingkit) (Forthbeam) (Mingyo)Where stories live. Discover now