Y/N: *grunts* We gotta find...a way b-before it destroys the...city..*falls forward*

You fell down to the ground, knocked out. Someone from the group of scared people got up, and slowly walked towards you. She saw the ocarina on your back, and picked it up, looking at it with intent.

With Cole

Cole stood up from the rubble he was under as he clutched the ocarina with his hand. The blast was strong enough to knock him out of super saiyan, and dissipate all his aura.

Cole: C-Can't give...up. *stumbles forward*

He stood up straight, and lifted the ocarina towards his mouth as he glared at Hirudegarn.

Cole's Thoughts: Bastard, I'm no through with you yet.


As he played, Hirudegarn snapped towards his direction, but this was different, the tune was slowly absorbing Hirudegarn. He backed into a building as Cole walked closer to him with his eyes closed.

Cole's Thoughts: For too long, you've fed on the misery of others. You've stolen from these innocent lives, everything precious and dear. But no more, it ends now.

Hirudegarn roared as he was being absorbed and dematerialized. Salem looked over the edge in complete shock.

Salem: Impossible...

The energy and life force of Hirudegarn flowed into Cole, as he glowed a misty color.

Tanya: Cole...

She watched as he played, and floated next to him. As he finished playing, he began to fall, but she was there to catch him. They descended to the ground, as she put him on one knee.

Tanya: Cole, you did it. You beat him.

Out of no where, Cole took a hold of the sword, and held it by the hilt.

Cole: Tanya, hurry, strike my heart.

Tanya: What!?

Cole: I can't hold it much longer.

Tanya: You don't know what you're saying!

Cole: Do you wanna see everyone you care about die!? Y/N! Raven! Yang and Pan!

She shook her head quickly, on the verge of tears.

Tanya: B-But...you're my friend..my teammate..

Cole: *sigh* Tanya,I know it isn't fair to ask you, but there's no other way! I don't want to destroy you! I know it seems cruel, but I welcome this blade.

He closed his eyes and bowed his head, still holding out the sword. Tanya was crying as she took hold of the sword, and grit her teeth.

Cole: Yes...thank you, Tanya. It's was an honor to know you, sister...

Cole lowered his head as Tanya raised the sword above her head. Tears streamed down her eyes, not wanting to kill one of her best friends. Salem saw what she was doing, panicked.

Salem: NOO!!!! GET AWAY FROM HIM!! *floes towards Cole*

Cole smiled as he went through his memories of his life, but suddenly his body pulsed, and he began to scream, feeling Hirudegarn trying to escape.


Tanya: Cole!? *drops sword and rushes to his side*

Salem: Huh? *lands on ground*

Wolves Stick Together: RWBY X Wolf Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now