Torn From The Pack

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Timeskip, 1 Month

It's been 1 month, and you've been enjoying your time at Signal. After discovering your semblance, which is where you pull all the energy around, and use that as your own energy and power, you can increase your strength, speed, and power, even use the energy inside you to create energy blast that you can shoot out of the palm of your hand. You still haven't mastered your semblance fully, but you have proven yourself to be the strongest first year ever to attend Signal. Right now you were sitting on a bench enjoying your lunch break when you felt someone sit next to you and saw your wolf faunus girlfriend, Raven.

Raven: Hey babe.

Y/N: Hey. *pecks cheek*

Raven: So, hows your day been?

Y/N: It was good, but now it's even better now that you're here.

Raven: Awwww~

She kissed your cheek and started to scratch behind your wolf ears, making you smile and sway your tail side to side. Doing this was her favorite thing to do, and every time she would do it, you would always have a facial expression of being in pure bliss. While sitting there enjoying yourself, you two saw Qrow coming up to you two.

Qrow: Sup Wolf Pack.

Y/N: Sup.

Raven: Hello Qrow.

Y/N: Hey Qrow, what weapon you gonna make?

Qrow: I'm forging together a scythe.

Raven: That sounds really complicated. Are you sure you can do it?

Qrow: Positive. I already got everything I need.

Y/N: What about you Raven? What are you gonna make?

Raven: I'm making an odachi that can be infused with dust crystals.

Qrow: Where will the dust crystals be on you?

Raven: They'll be in the scabbard of my sword.

Y/N: Awesome.

Raven: What about you Y/N?

Y/N: Me? Ohh, I don't think I'll make a weapon.

Raven: Why not?

Y/N: Well, with my semblance, I'm strong to a point where I don't think I need to have one.

Qrow: Well, we'll see once everyone has a weapon.

Y/N: I'm pretty confident in myself.

Raven: Just be careful, fighting just hand to hand can take you only so far. What happens where your fighting someone with a weapon, and a ranged one at that?

Y/N: I just have to close the distance then.

The bell rang, meaning that break was over.

Y/N: Well, we better get to class, see you after school?

Raven: Yup. Bye babe! *pecks lips*

Y/N: Bye. *kisses back*

You walked off with Qrow to your next class, while Raven walked away to her own. When you arrived, you saw the blonde haired friend you made during the month you spent at Signal.

Y/N: Yo, Tai.

Tai: Ohh, hey guys, what's up?

Qrow: Not much, hey, you find out what weapon you're gonna make ?

Tai: Nahh, I'm more into hand to hand like Y/N over here.

Y/N: That is why we're friends. *fist bump*

Wolves Stick Together: RWBY X Wolf Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now