Season 1 - 1 (Pilot)

Start from the beginning

"Damnit." He said making his way to her and squatting in front of her. This caught the attention of both Sam and Jessica.

"Hayden? Hey. Come on. Its safe. I promise." He said. The girl wasted no time moving from her position and jumping into his arms. She buried her head into his neck, wetting it with her tears. Dean stood up and walked back over to Sam.

"Who's this?" Dean asked motioning to Jessica.

"Dean this is my girlfriend Jessica. Jessica this is Dean." Sam introduced keeping his eye on the child in Dean's arms. "Dean? As in your brother Dean?" Jess asked.

Dean smiled at her. "Yeah. I love the smurfs. You know you are way out of my brother's league." He said. Hayden removed her head from Dean's neck and laid it on his shoulder.

Dean look at towards her and gently wiped her remaining tears before turning his attention back to his brother and Jessica.

"I can go put some clothes on. I'll take her if you want." Jess offered reaching for the child. Hayden immediately panicked and clung to Dean.

"No its fine. She would probably freak out. Anyways, me and your boyfriend were just having a private family talk." Dean replied causing the small girl to calm down and loosen her drip a bit.

Sam scuffed and walked to stand beside Jess. "No. What ever you have to say you can say it in front of Jess." He said.

Dean sighed and nodded. "I haven't heard from dad in weeks. I'm getting worried." He said.

Sam replied with a sly remark.

Dean rolled his eyes and looked at Sam. "Dad went on a hunting trip and he hasn't been back in a few days." He said knowing that Sam would listen to him then.

Hayden watched Sam, seeing his body stiffen. "Jess, excuse us." He said before motioning Dean to the hall stairs.

Sam and Dean went down to the door. "Dean I swore I was done hunting." Sam said starting the argument. During the argument, Hayden played with Dean's necklace.

"Dean?" She asked catching the attention of the two men. "Can we get teddy out car? He wonwy." She asked. Dean nodded. "Come on." He said leading Sam out to the impala.

Dean placed Hayden on her feet. She happily jumped in and started playing with her bear.

"Where'd you find her?" Sam asked.

"On a hunt a couple weeks ago. Her family tried to give her to a demon to kill her. She had no where else to go." Dean explained.

"How old is she?" Sam asked.

"She's 5." Dean replied.

Sam frowned. "She should be able to say full sentences by now." He said to himself but Dean heard him.

"Doctor said she was severely undeveloped. However with help, she should be talking right in a couple years." Dean informed.

"She's really small for a 5 year old." Sam added.

"I know. I think the doctor said because of the abuse she suffered it stunted her growth." Dean replied.

"Abuse?" Sam questioned.

"Her family were abusing her. I saved her before they could use her as a sacrifice." Dean explained.

"So you're gonna raise her?" Sam asked.

"I'm gonna do what I can. This kid has no one. She only trusts me. So I'm all she has. I'm gonna do what I can to keep her safe." He explained.

Sam looked at his brother. "This isn't only about dad is it?" He asked. Dean shook his head.

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