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THE WALK BACK TO THE GLADE WAS TENSE. Both Samson and Newt's faces were rosy red from all the crying they'd done and only turned redder as they walked side by side through the Deadheads. Samson wouldn't dare look up at Newt, too worried he'd ruined their friendship for good.

Samson clenched his jaw. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure what had gotten into him back in the woods. The whole occurrence was a blur for him, up until when Newt had arrived and calmed him down. He couldn't even really remember why he had been so scared and so angry with himself. All he could remember was the red, raw rage he'd felt for everyone and everything around him, like he was some kind of wild animal.

He didn't want to walk away from Newt without giving him a proper explanation. It wouldn't be fair, after everything he'd done to help him.

"Newt," he said, his voice still raspy. They both stopped in their tracks in front of the Homestead, finally looking at each other for the first time since they'd left the Deadheads. "I'm sorry about all that. I don't really know what got into me, I was just...really upset. If you hadn't found me, I don't know what I would've done," he sighed. "I hope...I hope this isn't going to make things weird between us. I wouldn't want--"

Newt shook his head, giving him a half-smile. "Course not. We can pretend like it never happened, if you want."

Samson smiled back. "Thank you, Newt."

"What're friends for, Sammy?"

The two of them laughed softly and turned to keep walking. Samson couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of his face. "I missed talking to you," he breathed out, his eyes widening with each word. He hadn't meant to say it out loud.

Newt nodded again, glancing up at Samson. "Yeah, I missed you too. Just been so-"

"Busy," they both groaned in unison, grinning back at each other.

Samson bit his lip, taking a moment to think about what to say to get rid of the tension. They continued on to the Glade in silence. To Samson's surprise, everyone in the Glade was out working. Track-hoes in the fields, Builders out by the little shack they'd been working on. Even the Baggers were out working. They were carrying a big black bag, and Samson shuddered as they went by.

Alby was standing by the Homestead, talking with Zart. His eyes darted over to Newt and Samson as they walked into the field. He waved a hand at Zart before starting off towards them, looking unimpressed.

"Where have you guys been?" Alby asked, hands on his hips. Samson's eyes widened. He hadn't expected him to be back to normal. He hadn't expected anything to be back to normal. He turned to Newt, who was scanning the Glade, seemingly just as confused.

Alby cocked an eyebrow at them, but neither Samson nor Newt seemed to have an answer. Alby dropped the question, rolling his eyes.

"Anyway, we're having our Greenie bonfire tonight. Newt, I'm gonna need your help," Alby said cooly and Newt's mouth fell open.

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