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"I REALLY HOPE YOU'RE RECEIVING THIS. I'll check your brain waves afterwards. Anyway, hey Samson. I know you're probably really confused right now. Thrown into a maze full of a bunch of kids you don't know, with no memory of who you are or where you came from. I can only imagine how scared you are. But I hope you're doing okay."

It was Thomas again, visiting him in his dreams. It all felt so real to Samson, like he could reach out and touch him. He was sitting exactly where he had been in his last dream. Samson registered the surroundings. Thomas seemed to be in some sort of lab. He was wearing a white shirt, but other than that not much had changed.

"The Chancellor says they sent you up to set an example for the rest of us. And as scared as you are right now, there was a time before you lost all of your memories when you and I saw this as an advantage. Like I told you, I'm going to help you escape the Maze. I can't keep watching them all suffer, all of our friends. You and I were working on an escape plan for months when you were up here with me. And now that you're in the Glade, we can finally move forward with it. It all starts with you. Right here, right now. You're the key, Samson."

Thomas disappeared and Samson was pulled back into the darkness. He screamed, his voice echoing into the void. He called out for Thomas and he appeared, dressed in all white again. The darkness shifted into the lab he'd just seen Thomas in but this dream was different, more disoriented, like a memory.

"It's all falling into place. We've only got a few more weeks until you're sent up."

"Thomas, we've gotta stop meeting up like this. This is why Ms. Paige is getting suspicious. We can't have her or Anderson on our tails. Not now,"

Samson was dressed in all white too, his hands behind his back and his hair slicked back with an unnecessary amount of gel. Thomas took another step toward Samson and his breath hitched. He reached behind him, pressing a button on the screen. Samson spun around to face it. Thomas had opened one of the beetle blade cameras into the Glade. Samson sighed, peering into the camera next to Thomas. It zoomed in on the dark field of the Glade, where all of the Gladers were sleeping somewhat peacefully.

That was all he wanted. Peace.


After his training day in the Gardens, Samson stuck by Leo and Newt. Nearly every meal he'd eat with at least one of them. Other days he spent alongside Leo and Zart or Newt, Alby and Nick. Samson had finally found some good friends within the Glade and he was proud of himself.

He tried his hand at being a Builder the day after trying out the Track-hoe job, in which he spent most of the day right by Gally's side. He was very kind and patient with Samson, which for some reason surprised him. He wasn't very good at the Builder job, though, despite his stocky form.

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