"Tobias...did you go to Divergent High?" I ask, so confused. 

He scrunches up his eyebrows, "Yup, all four years."

(A/N I accidentally capitalized Four at first because I am used to writing the name lol) 

I laugh, "That is hilarious, I went... sort of all four years. I did online half the time because of my acting gigs, but still. I wonder how we never saw each other." 

"What sector were you in?" He asks, leaning against the wall. 

"I had classes in Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite." I explain. 

"I had Abnegation and Dauntless, but still. That is so weird." He responds. 

I laugh, shaking my head. Divergent High was a weird school, there were a lot of attacks... but that story is for another time. We finally head out, Tobias driving. 

"What was it like?" He asks. 

"What do you mean?" I question, so confused at his sudden outburst. 

"What was it like keeping the secret?" He looks away from me as he says that, but I hope he knows that's behind me now. 

"It hurt. I wanted to tell you so bad but I was a hormonal bitch and thought I should just let you figure it out." I mumble. 

He shakes his head, "That's not all. There is more to it than that. I mean, even if it was a normal break up, you would have told me. What changed it all?" 

I think for a second... he is right. It was not just me being passive aggressive. "I-I think it was just the tension, maybe. I have been disappointed so much, not just losing roles, but backstabbing friends and users. I think that since you disappointed me, I didn't want to tell you and then you turned it around and got mad or something. Or you could have used the information against me, told people I cheated... I think it was just the possibilities. Looking back, it seems like you would never do a single one of those things. You were, are,  amazing, and I was just so pressured, I couldn't accept the fact that none of it was your fault." 

I see the smile grow on his face, having the knowledge that I never really thought it was him. His face says it all, he is relieved, happy, accepting. 

"That's the answer I was looking for. Life has been hard for you, Tris, but you have always pulled through." He says, grabbing my hand. 

I can't help this little spark he ignites every time he touches me. It's like, being away from him made me cold and distant, and now each time his skin brushes against mine, a warmth emits from my chest, spreading through my whole body. 

"Tris, we are here." Tobias says, pulling open my door. 

I have really got to stop getting caught up in my mind. I breath out, stepping into the slightly chilled California air. The one thing I will miss is the fact that it is never freezing cold here. Now, it is in the 50's, which I think is the perfect temperature. 

Tobias gets me checked in, while I sit down. "So, what is today's appointment about." Tobias says in a hushed voice. 

I sit up straighter, "Just a check up after the travel, making sure the twins are still okay with the pressure changes and everything." 

"Great, I know they will be perfect. Like you." 

I still blush when he whispers sweet nothings, it's something that I don't think I'll ever get used to. There is a difference between this Tobias, and Four. Four is harsh, demanding, with a small sweet spot for puppies. Tobias is sweet, caring, and loves me. He would protect me at any cost, and he has made that clear. 

"Beatrice Prior?" The nurse calls me back, and groan at hearing my real name. 

"Right here." I say, standing up. Tobias rests a hand on my waist as we walk back, 

She gets my weight, height and blood pressure, and then we go back into a room. 

Within no time, my doctor walks in, "Hello Tris! How are you feeling?" 

I smile, "Great! I am so glad the first trimester is over, I am so sick of getting sick." 

She laughs, "I've heard that a lot. I didn't really understand until I had my own little one." 

I giggle, "I didn't either!" 

Tobias sits there, holding my hand. He doesn't say a word but I feel all of his love and support. 

"Now, the main thing I wanted to do was check up on how it feels, and do an ultrasound to make sure they are not in breech position, or uncomfortable, or have any problems." She explains. 

I nod, ready. 

"Great, first, are you having any discomfort? Any stomach pain, trouble in the bathroom?" 

I think, "Not that I have noticed." 

"Fantastic! I am going to just press around your stomach, tell me if you feel any discomfort." 

I lay flat, and she starts pressing around. I don't feel anything really, just her cold hands. 

"Everything feels fine, now give me a minute to grab the screen, and I will be right back." She says, walking out. 

"I am trying really hard not to jump for joy right now." Tobias whispers in my ear. 

I laugh, "Same here, but I am the one being checked out, so I probably should not." 

We both stay quiet, him rubbing circles on my hand, until the OBGYN gets back. 

When she comes back, she hooks up the screen to the wall, and puls out the cold gel. "You know the drill Tris!" 

I pull up my shirt to the top of my belly, and shiver when she puts it on, just like last time. I know that Tobias is probably pressing down a lot of excitement right now, but he remains calm...ish. 

She moves it around, and I smile at the image of the little ones. Even if it's black and white, you can faintly make out the shapes forming. 

"They are about the size of a lemon." She stops right above one, where you can almost see it's whole face. 

His grasp on my hand gets a little tighter. I smile, knowing what's going through his mind. "Does everything look alright?" I ask, as she moves a little more. 

"Everything looks perfect." She exclaims, removing the probe. 

I can't help but be overwhelmed with happiness, everything is going so well! Being a hormonal woman, I start crying. "Tris, it's okay! They are beautiful little lemons." Tobias whispers in my ear. 

I let out a dry laugh, "I know, it's just... I can't stop crying over nothing!" 

He laughs at me, and gives me a sweet kiss. The doctor shakes her head, "You two are... beautiful. I'll check you out, here are the wipes, and you can leave when you are ready." 

I fan my face, not able to stop. This is all so amazing, I love it. "It's perfect." Tobias sighs, giving me another kiss. 

"Me or the babies?" I ask, calmed to a sniffle. 

"Both. All. It's our perfect little family." 

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