bad first impressions are made when angry

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Nico’s P.O.V.

A seething goddess appeared in front of him.

“How! How dare you, you insolent godling!” at her feet both her golden retriever and her ferret were also growling at him. Nico gulped at the sight of her. He shivered slightly and the hairs on his arms rose. The mist around her feet swirled menacingly and was slithering like snakes towards him.

“Hey Hecate.” He greeted hesitantly. Her glared did not flatter; on the contrary, it grew more intense.

“I give you one thing to do! A very simple quest and you go run off and lead another quest! I should turn you into a frog for this!” Nico shrunk back; intimidated by the aura of power she was giving off. He wanted to fight back, say it was to save his sister but in front of Hecate he felt powerless and tiny. “What do you think ‘another quest shall interfere, the lost will lose what it most fears’ meant? Obviously it means you have another quest to complete and Hazel will not be found by you! Urg!” she growled, her hands gripping onto her hair almost ripping it out. Nico took a small step backwards but she saw the slight movement. She glared at him one more time and forced him awake with one more warning.

Nico woke up gasping for air. Beside him Percy stirred but did not wake. Her last warning rang around the room and attacked his slowly growing headache. He flopped down into bed and stared at the ceiling.

“Percy is going to be pissed.” He mumbled. The body beside him rolled over and faced the frustrated boy. “What am I going to be angry about Nico darling?” Percy asked humorously. Not wanting to answer Nico hid his eyes with his hands and groaned loudly. To persuade him Percy kissed Nico gently on the neck before sucking lightly. Nico grabbed his boyfriend’s face and brought his own lips to Percy’s. When they finished Nico mumbled the answer to Percy’s question.

“What was that? Percy teased. “I have to leave this quest to take are of another quest I was assigned to do first.” They both frowned and sat on their bed. “When do you have to leave?”

“Now” Was Nico’s answer. They got dressed and when Nico looked in the mirror he rolled his eyes at the very noticeable hickey on his neck. “Thanks Perc you’re too nice.” He said sarcastically. They both chuckled and then went to the top of the boat. Everyone else was already up and getting occupied.

They stopped what they were doing when they saw Nico holding his travelling packsack over his shoulder. “I’ve got to take care of some stuff. I won’t be able to finish the quest. Percy’s is the new leader of the quest and all of you better make sure Hazel turns out alive. Got it?” his companions all nodded their heads and Nico turned around.

He looked longingly at the red star named the Cardinal and stepped into the shadows. The wind instantly picked up and tortured screams of lost souls surrounded him. Black darker than darkness itself clung to his very soul as he finally found his exit and imagined himself arrive in his office. He squinted a bit at the sudden burst of light and realized his curtains ad been pulled open.

His growl sounded very animalistic at the thought that someone had entered his room but everything looked fine. A breeze floated around him and he realized it was only the wind that pushed the curtains aside. He looked at his watch that automatically changed to the time zone he was in. Perfect timing for lunch he noticed.

He glided through the castle and slammed the great hall’s doors open. Everyone stared at him as he took a seat on his chair. His bad mood not being lifted since he was told that he could no continue the quest to save his sister. He glared at everyone as he stood back up.

“All students whose homework is not handed back to me by tomorrow will be given a detention.” With that he stomped off to his classroom, his appetite lost as he remembered that he could not help Hazel.

Deciding it would be better to calm down before his next class Nico conjured up dummies who walked on their own. He twisted his ring, making his sword appear. He continually chopped down the dummies until his watch beeped thrice. He magiced all the mess away and made sure he looked clean and smelled nice before making two objects appear in front of him. Nico put cloths on top of them and waited for the school bell to ring.

When it did he opened the door and the wizards and witches quietly entered the dimly lit room. Only one person spoke. Harry Potter whispered to his red head friend “This is exactly how we act in Snape’s class.” his friend snickered faintly did not respond. Nico frowned that someone would actually speak out of turn.

“Welcome class, I believe I did not have you yet.” Nico greeted. “I am Professor Di Angelo and you are the Gryffindor/Slytherin year 5, am I correct?” a couple people nodded and Nico got aggravated by the lack of respect he was getting. “Am I correct?” he repeated louder. This time everyone nodded and said “Yes Professor Di Angelo.”

He continued on his lesson after a satisfied hum. “To be able to defeat the greatest of enemies you must learn your greatest weaknesses, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Nico flicked his wrist and the blankets uncovered the hidden object. Three people gasped. In front of them stood the mirror of Erised and a closed chest box. “What you desire most is your fatal flaw and greatest weakness, what you are scared of most is your worst opponent. To know someone’s weaknesses you must know your own. One at a time you will find out your greatest fear and fatal flaw. The main goal throughout this year will be to control your thoughts and emotions to correctly beat an opponent. Is that understood?” everyone nodded once again and Nico made a hand gesture to indicate that he wanted them to stand in a line.

He opened the chest and it transformed itself into a clown. The girl at the front of the line screamed and hid her face. “Most of you were taught the spell to defeat a boggart a while ago. We will start off with the easiest thing and just do Riddikulus and slowly we will get to more advanced and more useful spells.”

One by one people turned their fears into something funny until Harry’s turn. Instead of defeating his fear like everyone else he blocked his ears and squeezed his eyes shut. Just as Nico was about to interfere Harry jumped and yelled expect patronum. A glowing blue stag jumped out of his wand and attacked the dementor.

 Deciding that was enough Nico waved his wand and the boggart was sucked back into the chest as if it were a vacuum. All the Gryffindors stared at Harry in awe and shock. Nico rolled his eyes at the idiotic view.

“Mr. Potter, when I say something you must do it. I do not want you to try and surpass my demands nor do I want you to ignore the instructions and do something else. All your peers were able to follow my instructions, why must you be different?” Harry’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out. He didn’t know what to say usually teachers praised him for his excellent knowledge on that spell. In the end he got a detention for not following instructions and they continued on.

Nico looked at his watched and sighed. “Class is almost finished. As homework I want an essay about any defensive spell you choose. You must include its properties, what it counter attacks and when to use it. Maximum 20 pages and minimum 15.” With that he opened the door and the bell rang. Everyone rushed out of the class wondering how everyone else thought this teacher was cool.

Inside the classroom Nico groaned at the horrible class he just had. Next time he thought, he would be less angry and everything would be better.

A New Subject (Nico di Agelo and Harry Potter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora