the man of the carnival

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Nico  POV

Nico stared into the man’s eyes. “I want to go on a quest.” The man had suspected this since Nico never came to him for anything else. He nodded and walked out of the house. Together they marched to a cave on the side of the lake.

The entrance was covered by beaded strings attached together to make a curtain. Nico pushed the curtain aside and met with the red head that was already in the cave. She ran to a chair and sat down. Sighing she closed her eyes and she waved her hand to say get on with it.

“How do I find Hazel?” The red head’s eyes widened and green mist escaped her mouth. The mist swirled around Nico’s feet and spread out through the air like snakes. A raspy voice that seemed so different from her usually sweet voice came out of the red head’s mouth.

The angel and its four allies

Two banded from the skies

Travel up north

To give a prize with much worth

Seek for the man of the carnival

The only one who knows about the cardinal

Follow the hands

Until the roman stands

Darkness lies ahead

Seek out the invisible thread

A foe shall waste its final breathe

And bring them all to death

Another quest shall interfere

The lost shall lose what it most fears

After the last sentence the red head slumped into her seat and the green mist dispersed. “Rachel!” Nico gasped.

 He grabbed her by the arm and put her into a better position. Slowly she blinked, and blinked again. She groaned in pain while she pushed herself up.

 “What happened?” Nico rolled his eyes and asked her a question instead of answering her question. “I thought you were over the whole fainting thing.” She waved her hand dismissively. “It happens once in a while, now what did good ol’ Delphi say?” he repeated the exact words that he had previously heard.

 Together they walked to the main house followed by the same man from before.

In front of him stood four teenagers; a tanned boy with brown curly hair, a tool belt hanging from his waste and a crazed look in his eyes. A tall muscular Chinese boy who had a spear in his hands and a bow slung over his shoulder was beside the boy. Beside him stood an angry looking girl with an electric spear on her shoulder. The last boy had messy black hair and sea green eyes, he had a small aqua backpack draped over his shoulders and he was twirling a bronze pen in his fingers.

Nico was pacing in front of them all.

 “We have a quest. All of you are coming and we can’t use your boat Leo.” The curly haired boy grumbled.  The only girl narrowed her eyes at Nico. “The safe number is three. You know that right? Right?” she insisted. He waved his hand dismissively. “Yah yah that’s not what the prophecy told me.” He then proceeded to state the prophecy.

 “It sounds like a treasure map.” The green eyed boy spoke for the first time. He continued when the others pressured him to explain using their eyes. “Well you know those treasure hunts where people are like find this object. When you get there find the next clue,” Nico’s eyes widened.

 “You are a genius Perc!” Percy shrugged his shoulders and blushed, not used to being called genius.

 They sat down into the chairs around the ping pong table after reaching the big house. There, they devised a plan to find out where they were going.

A New Subject (Nico di Agelo and Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now