Let There be Light! And a Party...

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Harry felt warm.

Blinking himself awake he looked around trying to find out what was different now, than when he fell asleep.

With a start he jumped out of bed.

He felt WARM! To his right was a brightly shining candle. Harry reached out for the flickering fire daring to see if it was actually here and he wasn't just having a blissful dream. Pulling away when the heat almost burnt his hand Harry jumped onto Ron's bed.

"Ron! Wake up!" Ron grumbled and whined but eventually his eyes cracked open.

"Bloody hell mate what's the problem?"

"Problem? I don't see a problem. All I see is LIGHT!"

This seemed to jolt him awake since Ron practically fell off the bed with excitement.

Just as Harry had, Ron stared cautiously at the flame.

"It's real Ron! Everything is back to normal!"

Grinning to himself Harry all but skipped to the bathroom.

Minutes later both boys descended the stairs to see Hermione already awake and reading.

"Morning Hermione." Not glancing up at the boys she nodded her head and continued to read the printed ink quickly.

"Lots of reading to catch up." She murmured so quietly that Harry and Ron barely heard her.

They rolled their eyes and both boys grabbed onto one of her arms. Dragging her away from her book caused Hermione to claw viciously at her best friends' hands.

"Let go of me!" The boys promptly ignored her as they crossed the sleepy portrait of the fat lady who guarded the Gryffindor common room.

They carried her all the way to the great hall where they pushed her into a seat and sandwiching her between the two.

Not many people were up but the one who were, were smiling and laughing with their friends. Even the usually grumpy Slytherins were cheerful -or as cheerful as a bunch of angry Slytherins who were just woken up early could be.

Ron was already chomping down an omelet before Harry even got the chance to butter a toasted bagel. Beside him Hermione was grinning at the ceiling.

Looking up Harry felt his jaw drop to the floor. The magical ceiling was even more beautiful than usual.

Since they were awake earlier than usual the sun was hardly there, playing peek-a-boo to the left of the ceiling frame. Hazy pink melted into light orange which filtered to a nice golden yellow color that finished off into the light blue of the morning sky. To the right of the ceiling Harry saw there was still some dark blue that was trying to continue being seen even though the sun's rays were soon going to make the navy blue disappear from the great hall's view.

"Beautiful." Hermione whispered in fear that sudden sounds would make the scene dissolve.

"Quite." I responded with a nod. Still in awe of the gorgeous picture I could only nibble on my bagel while staring upwards.

More and more students filed into the great hall. A loud shrilling bell had rung a few minutes ago to warn everyone of a meeting that was happening in the dining hall.

Dumbledore flashed everyone a smile.

"Students, as you may have noticed the curse that was placed on us a few weeks ago has been lifted. No one has yet to confess of any knowledge on what has happened but I am pleased to tell you that school will be restarted-" At that all the kids groaned.

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