an eventful first day

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I looked around at the familiar place. I smiled; this was my home, my real home. The ceiling was showing off a beautiful cloudless sky with lots of stars. I chatted with my friends about my court appearance and quidditch. I couldn't wait until the sorting would begin. It was the first time since my own sorting that I got to see the sorting. Usually something happens and I get in trouble or I am too preoccupied to actually see the sorting, like crashing a flying car or fainting and being brought to the infirmary. So, as most people could see I was pretty excited about eating the beginning of year feast.

Hermione, one of my best friends who had extremely frizzy hair and this know-it-all aura around her, turned to Ron and I. Ron is my other best friend, he comes from a slightly poor family which explains the hand-me-down robes and him being part of the Weasleys gave him his freckles and red hair. Hermione waited impatiently for Ron to stop his conversation with Dean and actually listen to her.

When he did Hermione bent forward and whispered "did you guys notice that there is an extra seat at the teachers' table?" I turned to look but gasped at what I saw. It was the pink lady from my trial, who, by the way wanted me to be guilty. Luckily Dumbledore saved me and I was named innocent. I tell this to my friends and they stared at her too.

"She kind of looks like a pink toad of you think of it." Ron mentions which sends all three of us into a fit of laughter. We however stopped talking when the sorting started. The sorting hat gave off a creepy warning about teaming up or we would all die. Fun!

One by one the tiny first years were sorted. I clapped with the rest of my table when they were sorted into our house.

When it was all over Dumbledore stood up. "Now I know all of you want to eat but everyone keeps pointing to our new addition on the teacher's table. So I will just explain this before we eat. Professor Umbridge, our new DADA, will be teaching more of the theory part of Defence Against the Dark Arts this year. Everyone that has DADA will get her. However we have a new subject that everyone over third year will be getting if they have DADA. This class will be more the practical part instead of the theoretical. Now that is all! Eat up!"

With that invitation everyone grabbed something off the food platters that had just appeared. My group of friends talked about everything and anything. Somehow my eyes kept drifting to the teachers' table and the empty chair.

Where was the new teacher?

That exact second we heard a loud bang. It sounded a bit like thunder, just as loud and maybe even louder. Most of us groaned and blocked our ears. I did too but my ears were still ringing. I looked around to see what had happened and then I saw it. I didn't know what IT was but in a far back corner there was a lot of darkness. And it didn't look natural. The darkness seemed to be swirling and float into the air like a thick black cloud. By this time everyone was staring at it, no one talked. I bet if a pin dripped we would hear it.

"You wizards are distracted very easily." A voice stated quietly. But since everything else was so quiet the man's voice was heard loud and clear. We all swivelled to the direction of the man's voice. Beside me I heard Hermione gasp. My own jaw dropped when I saw who it was. It was that creepy Nico guy who told us that we would 'see him soon' after he somehow infiltrated into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Now everything made sense! Dumbledore probably told him where the house was so he could easily see the house and we would see him soon when he comes to Hogwarts as the new teacher.

Well that's what I got from the fact that he was standing beside the extra chair at the table. There was an eerie silence that followed his words and we all watched him sit down and take a sip from the water bottle he was holding. Just like Moody, or at least fake Moody, he drank from his own glass.

"Well go on, the food will get cold if you ignore it for too long." The man stated just as quietly and creepy as the first time he spoke. Even though he didn't say it we all heard the warning, 'stop staring or you will die'. Right away the hall started up again. People talked and ate as if nothing had happened. I turned to Ron and was not surprised to see him devouring his food once again. I could still not believe how much food that guy could intake without getting fat.

I then turned to Hermione and she had this weird look in her eyes. I was about to ask her about it when lavender squealed "it's just that he so hot!" And the she pointed straight to Nico, um... Professor Nico. To much of my surprise most of the girls that heard her nodded. And one of then added "so mysterious and dangerous." Another giggled and whispered "Plus he looks so muscular and young! Do you think he's single" That was all it took for the whole group of gossiping girls to start giggling and squealing.

I glanced at the new professor and noticed for the first time that he was not wearing robes but rather a leather jacket. He did actually look very mysterious but that wasn't a good thing!

Next thing I know the food switches from the main course to dessert. Bloody hell! I didn't even have a bite of the actual supper! With that I decide that I can think about everything later or at least make Hermione do it, right now I'll just enjoy the desserts before they disappear too.

A New Subject (Nico di Agelo and Harry Potter)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu