chapter fourteen

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3rd person POV


"Teams ready? Start!"

The sound of feet hitting the ground bounced of the walls. (Y/N) could recognize her teammates by the blue light emitting out of their chests and guns. She saw Hana running ahead, her recently dyed red hair up in a messy ponytail waving like a flag behind her.

(Y/N) could hear the pow of the triggers being pulled. She hid behind a wall as she saw the opponent wearing red running too close to her. The yells of defeat or happiness made her smile in excitement.

"Where are they?" She whispered to herself, walking in a nearly empty part of the huge maze of a room. She turned at the sound of breathing running up behind her. "Hana! Where were you?"

The red haired girl gave her a closed eyed smile. "This one kid from the other team almost killed me! I ran away but I think he's looking for me," Hana spoke with a dramatic tone. "I can't endanger you. I don't want to see you die too. If I don't make it back know that I love you." She threw herself on the wall next to her then moved in to kiss (Y/N).

"Get out of here, loser," (Y/N) shoved her away. Hana laughed as she ran away. (Y/N) chuckled quietly to myself. "So dramatic."

She continued walking around on high alert. The dings of opponents out caused by her were music to her ears. One person closer to winning the bet.

Soon almost all of the blue team was out. Hana had been shot by the boy who was chasing her. Was it just her? Where was Taehyung? Was he still in the game?

The (E/C) eyed girl moved around with caution in each step. The slightest noise made her perk up and aim. Then she heard it, the sound of feet running.

She stalked her prey, moving swiftly around the corner. The steps stopped just behind the wall. Her head peeked out. So he still was in the game. A familiar head of brown hair was turned with his back to her. This was too easy.

She snuck up behind Taehyung until she was almost pressed onto his back. Her lips moved to his ear, whispering. "You're still in?"

Taehyung jumped and moved away from her. He turned to look at (Y/N). His cheeks heated up thinking about how close she was to him. "Yeah I-I am." He shuffled his feet.

It was January which meant they had been friends for 3 months now, but Taehyung still wasn't completely opened up.

"You know that all your team is out, right?" (Y/N) tilted her head, eyes big. Taehyung nodded quickly. He looked everywhere but those hypnotizing (E/C) eyes.

"You're trying to win the bet?" He said in a quieter tone.

"Of course! If it means I'm going to get my favorite food then of course I'll do it." She patted her stomach as she spoke with a toothy smile.

Taehyung looked at her face as she grinned, never getting used to it, even with 3 months of knowing her. She seemed to radiate happiness with each smile or laugh. He especially loved when he caused her to do so.

"Oh, Tae," she stepped closer to him. "Do you think you can win?" She eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I uh... hope so." He moved back as she moved closer to him. His heart pounded.

"You don't seem very sure," (Y/N) teased him.

Taehyung chuckled nervously until his back hit the wall. (Y/N)'s left hand blocked him from escaping. She moved close to his face. Her eyes locked on his, suddenly serious. A dangerous look accompanied her smirk. "You should have shot me when you had the chance, Tae."

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