chapter thirteen

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//(Y/N) in body of Taehyung//
The cafeteria was swarming with people. We sat at a table near the center which was surprisingly empty. A second later and it would have probably been taken.

The lunch special was pizza which I was satisfied with. The boys each had their two slices and were stuffing them down.

"I'm just saying that Mr. Lee should stop wasting his time giving us a 30 minute speech about wasting his time. It doesn't add up." Jungkook explained, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, I didn't even pay attention. At least we weren't listening to him go on and on about quadratic formulas." Namjoon held his pizza in one hand as he swung the other around to make his point.

"True." Jungkook chuckled.

I checked my phone for the time. 1:15. I should be at the gym by now but why hasn't Taehyung texted me?

The boys kept talking about school or whatever, I wasn't paying attention. My eyes were focused on the door, looking at people come in and out.

Then I saw Hana enter with Taehyung. He looked panicked and his lips were turned into a frown.

I picked up my phone to text him. Cracking a little smile seeming that I changed his name on my phone from Tae to my name, to keep things as normal as they could be.

To: (Y/N)
From: Me
I just saw you with Hana. The boys have me trapped too.

From: (Y/N)
To: Me
Maybe we can go talk to a teacher or we have to do homework? Idk

To: (Y/N)
From: Me
I'll do my best.

I pressed my lips into a line. "Hey guys, I have to go do some homework."

"Do you want us to go with you?" Jin offered. I shook my head.

"I think we all know that if you come with me I'd probably get no work done." I tried to laugh as naturally as I could. They agreed with smiles.

"Bye, Taehyungie." Jimin waved. I waved back, small smile present.

It seems like Taehyung and Jimin are close. He's always hugging me or calling me Taehyungie. It's kinda cute of him.

To: (Y/N)
From: Me
I'm out. I'll be in the gym. You can do this!

I put my phone in my pocket. When I got to the gym, it was empty just like Taehyung had said. It was still clean though I looked mostly unused. The floor was polished with the exception some shoe marks on it. There was some mirrors set up. I know they had dance class here sometimes and I know that no other class is taught here which is why the mirrors are always up. It's a bit of a waste to have a gym that isn't used.

There wasn't a locker room in sight. I did find however, a little closet that had cleaning supplies. I went in there to change into Taehyung's sweatpants so I could move around better and took off the uniform's blazer.

Once I was finished, I went back out to the gym and stretched a little before he got here.

"Okay, I'm here." Taehyung sighed as he quickly ran to me.

"Great," I looked at him. He had on the school uniform. Blouse, blazer, and skirt. "Did you grab the sweatpants I told you to bring?"

His eyes widened, covering his mouth in surprise. "Oops." He gulped.

"Taehyung!" I groaned at his forgetfulness. "It's fine, but try not to forget things." I shook my head slowly.

"I'll try," He made his hands into fists. "Let's get it. I'm so ready, (N/N)." He hopped from foot to foot.

"Slow your roll there. You need to stretch. I don't want you to pull a muscle especially since you're dancing with my body."
"5, 6, 7, 8," I watched Taehyung begin the dance. He moved semi-stiffly since he didn't dance. "Loosen up. Follow the counts." I counted to help him get the moves at the right time.

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