A New Beginning

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Chapter 1

A lot had changed over the past year, a lot had happened and a lot hadn't happened, like the end of the world. The witches weren't dead, the werewolves were safe and I was leader of my coven just like my mother was before she died. I had finally felt like myself; happy and enjoying life. I had everything I could have ever wanted, I had a house, I had the twins and I had Nick. In my eyes, everything was perfect except one thing; my dad. After Ruth had told me his name a year ago, I stayed with the witches for a few months before coming back home and began searching for my father. I started with searching werewolves all over town, attempting to find anything I could about my father's whereabouts and to this day, I still am...

"Tell me where he is," I said as I held the werewolf up against the wall.

"I don't know I swear," he said.

"Don't play games with me, I know that you were the werewolf going around and giving the whereabouts on Sasha Antonov. Now tell me where he is!" I demanded.

"Please. I don't know anything, I just made that up so I wouldn't be killed by other werewolves," he said.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

"You're Katherine Hale, the other female werewolf but you're also part witch," he answered.

"Good. So now you know that if you're lying to me, I will hunt you down and kill you," I threatened.

All of a sudden, my phone began to ring and I immediately took it out and held it in my hands, seeing that it was Nick.

"Don't move," I said.

"Yes ma'am," he said.

I then answered my phone before placing it against my ear.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Hey babe, any luck?" Nick asked.

"No. Just one false lead after another," I answered as I looked at the werewolf.

"Come home babe," Nick said.

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can," I said.

"Love you," Nick said.

"Love you too," I said before hanging up.

I then put my phone back in my pocket and turned back to the werewolf.

"Now, what do I do with you?" I asked.

"Please just let me go. I promise I won't say anything to anyone about this conversation," he said.

"You promise to keep quite about everything?" I asked.

"I swear," he said.

"Fine. I'll let you go but under one condition. I want you to give all of the werewolves a message," I said.

"What's the message?" he asked.

"That if anyone knows anything about Sasha Antonov and they don't come forward and tell me, I will hunt every last one of you down and kill you all myself. Are we clear?" I asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"Now get out of here," I said before letting him go.

As I did this, he sprinted down the alleyway, leaving me alone before I headed back into my car and drove off back home.

Once I arrived at my home, I immediately parked my car in the driveway before heading inside my beautiful home to see Nick and the twins. Heading inside, I began to see baby stuff everywhere before I heard crying from the living room. Hearing this, I instantly walked inside the living room and saw Nick holding Logan and trying to get him to sleep. I then walked over and said...

"Here, let me take him," I said as I walked towards him.

Nick then gave Logan to me and he immediately stopped crying.

"Guess he was just missing his mummy," I said as I held him.

"He's not the only one," Nick said as he looked at me with Logan.

"Hi," I said before kissing Nick.

"Glad you're back," Nick said.

"Yeah sorry, I just got caught up," I said.

"Any luck?" Nick asked.

I shook my head before Nick came up behind me and said...

"Well at least you've got us. Me, Logan and Lizzie is all you need," Nick said.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

Nick and I then kissed before I  put Logan and Elizabeth down for a nap and I began to relax on the sofa with Nick. As I laid there in his arms, I began to think about everything that had happened over the past couple of months before I said...

"I can't believe I haven't found Sasha yet," I said.

"It will be okay Kat, we'll figure something out," Nick said.

"Will we?, I have been looking for the past couple of months Nick and so far all I have is his name," I said.

"It will be okay Kat. I promise you we will find Sasha just like we found Lily," Nick said.

"Okay," I said.

I felt Nick kiss my forehead before we continued to cuddle on the sofa, enjoying our little life together...

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