Chapter 13

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(Tristan's POV)

Jenna.... she's just, amazing.

Even though I've known her for a few weeks, I'm completely and utterly devoted to her.

I love her.

I know she won't say it back because she isn't ready but I am

Ready. And I'll shout it out to the whole world if I have to.

I've been doing some research on my... kind. Turns out that vampires are dominant and extremely possessive creatures and once they get hooked on something, they can't let it go. I think that's what's happened with me and Jenna. She's like my cocaine or weed or whatever kind of drug that gets you addicted majorly.

I don't know much about drugs apart from paracetamol and Nicotine. But back to the point, I'm extremely in love with her.

"Ice Cream!" Her angelic voice snapped me out of my ridiculous thoughts, with my new nickname. I loved that she had given it to me.

"Um sorry, what?" I mumble sheepishly.

"I said, how are you dealing with all this?" She said, with a small smirk. Damn! She caught staring at her!

"All right I guess. I mean Rebekah is still pissed that she can't compel you but she's a bitch so, yeh." I finished, shrugging my shoulders.

She slaps my shoulder gently, "You can't say that, she's your sister!" She says trying to keep a straight face. I wasn't even going to begin on some of the shit she says about her sister, and she knows how hypocritical she's being.

"You know I made a song for her once?" I said.

"Really?" she said surprised, "Aww, that's sweet." She laughed.

"Do you wanna hear it?" She nods eagerly, "Twinkle Twinkle little whore, close you legs, cause they aren't doors," I finished with a proud smile.

It took forever for me to make it rhyme.

I look over at Jenna and see she's trying not to laugh.

"That's not very nice, Tristan." She said, 1 minute later she burst out laughing. Her laugh was contagious, I burst out laughing soon as well.

When we finally reached school, we parted our ways, me going to biology and her to health and social.


I flopped back on my black bed and looked up at the ceiling.

School was boring, unless Jenna was in my lessons then I would just spend all the time distracting her and making her laugh. I don't even know what were doing about in history.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was a text from Jenna.

'Hey Ice Cream, I gotta question 4 uuuuuuuuu?!? xx'

Mmm interesting...

'Ok, what? x'

'How come u can walk in the sun without burning or sparkling? :/ xx'

Okkkk I did not expect that!

'Ummmm, it's just a myth. We're just more sensitive to the sun than u. x'

'Ok, thanks. Cus my sister wants to watch twilight with me! HELP 911! I'll text u later. :( xx'

'Hahahaaa, hav fun. Yeh see ya x'

Well my plans are ruined! Ok, ok what to do...

I look on my desk and see a big pile of papers... overdue homework probably.

"Tristan!" My mother shouts, "Get down here!"

I walk downstairs to see mum and Rebekah standing in front of the fireplace.

"Ok, I swear whatever she has said I've done," I said pointing to Rebekah, "I haven't done it!"

"No, I'm not here to talk about your sibling rivalry. I'm here to talk about something else." My mother snaps at me, lips into a thin line.

"Ok, what?" I said hesitantly.

"Your mundane friend-"

"Jenna. Her names Jenna!" I cut in.

"Yes her. Anyway, Jenna," She said like a bad taste in her mouth, "You can't see her anymore."

"What? Why?!" I shouted.

"Your getting careless and your becoming soft with this girl! When you find your future wife, she'll want a strong man, not a flimsy boy! So forget her and grow up!" She snaps

"How is this fair! I can't be friends with 1 person but your daughter can go sleeping around with anyone she pleases!!" I shout at her, "I'm sure her future husband doesn't want a slut as a wife!" I scream at my mum.

This is so fucking unfair!!

"Tristan! You better cut all, and I mean all connections with this girl, otherwise I'll be the first to drive a stake through her heart! Vampire or not!" She growled in a low voice before storming off with my slag- I mean sister trailing behind her.

I started to frown, leave Jenna... That just sounds painful.

Growing angry I picked up an overly priced vase into the fireplace making the flames sputter.

I started wrecking the whole room, ripping doors of and shredding the couch.

Once I got tired, I sat down in the middle of my mess and thought, how am I going to break away from the girl I love?

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