Chapter 8

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(Jenna's POV)

If he think he can make me flustered, he should have seen the look on his face when I said Happy Birthday to him. He went bright red and had a dreamy look in his eyes. I bet he thought he was gonna get laid, typical.

I strutted away and flipped my hair when I saw him still staring. He thinks he's got me, I've got him wrapped around my little finger. I practically skipped into class and took the seat closest to the door, I was gonna be the first to leave. The teacher didn't look up from his book, it must be good.

"Good afternoon, sir." I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah." He muttered in response.

I shook my head and pulled out my English book and reading book. I was in the highest English class, so there were no popular people in this class, everyone was a nerd, I guess I just fit into that category. Everyone took their seat, calmly and picked up their books. Mr Light, the most dull teacher on Planet Earth, stood up and pulled out a whiteboard pen.

He wrote seven questions on the board and made us read. About half way through the lesson, the speakers went off.

"Clara Pierce to the reception, you have an appointment. Clara Pierce." She never had appointments, she was going to go home and get ready for the party, I'm surprised she didn't just leave school anyway, she never learns a thing. I rolled my eyes and kept listening to morbid voice of Mr Light. His name definitely didn't suit him. The girl next to me, Bonnie, listened for the entire lesson, making some indecent eye contact with sir. I swear, 80% of my teachers are pervs. The bell went off in the middle of one of sirs amazing speeches, shame. I ran out of the room and threw my stuff in my locker.

No way was Tristan walking me home, again. I sprinted out of the school gates, ignoring the sniggers and I kept running until I got to my road. I stopped on the corner to catch my breath. I couldn't see Tristan so I gave myself more time. I went back down the road, slowly. I just got to my house when I saw Tristan strolling down the road with his classic smirk. Can he just stop making that face or is it stuck? Sometimes, I wish I could just slap away his smirk. I went into my house and found Clara in her red, way too tight and really disgusting dress, her hair was a rats nest and her make up was just... Nasty, her face was orange and had two red circles on the cheeks for blusher, her eyeliner was so thick it looked more like eyeshadow and don't even get me started on her eyelashes.

"Looking good sis!" I said to her.

I ran upstairs and quickly washed my face. I changed into my slightly tight, mid-thigh length, black dress.

It was black silk and had a really low chiffon back. I applied a small amount of foundation and concealer. Then, I put moisturizer on top because it keeps the make up on but makes my skin smoother. Then some grey and black eyeshadow, to create a smoky look and I added black eyeliner and to finish it, I added black mascara. For once I had made myself look decent. I smiled at my new self for the night. Curling the ends of my hair I puffed up my hair giving it more volume, then I slipped on my black heels that Clara kept saying were "totally to die for" but honestly, I would rather have died for them, then have to wear them. I struggled downstairs and found my sister stood grinning.

"Oh Jenna, honey, you look totally amazing, even my beautiful Tristan would love you." She practically screamed.

"Yeah, yeah, Clara. Shut up. I don't even want to go to that losers party." She looked shocked, as though she just watched me brutally murder the people she loved.

"Don't say that. He's perfect." I laughed at the horrified look on her orange face.

"The guy's a joke. He dragged me around school all day." She began to look happy.

"You're friends with him." She grinned. I could tell that she was going to use that against me. Damn it!

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