Chapter 4

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Jenna's POV
That little son of a... Urghhhh!!!
Tristan... Evans! When I hear that name, I picture ways of torturous deaths that I could perform on him. When he 'nominated' me as the female role in drama I'm surprised you didn't see steam coming out from my ears!
I have very little patience for insolent brats like him!
But what's worst is that this morning he seemed normal... well as normal as he can be. But now he's turned into a egotistical jerk who finds pleasure in my fricken discomfort! Did I forget to mention that I seriously dislike jerks?
But to put the cherry on the top of my cake of problems, is that we're doing Dracula. Now the original Dracula is a gothic romance. It's about Count Dracula hypnotising women and turning them into vampires. Once turned into vampires, these women become his 'mistresses'. And it all goes on from there.
But since this is school we can't really have loads of mistresses so Tristan has one... lover. And as leading lady that is me... Thanks a lot Tristan!!!
Girls would fall at his feet for this part but I would run far away from him if it was up to me.
But what makes me laugh most is when Miss Jones shows us a picture of Dracula, I can't help but notice the resemblance between the Count and Tristan.
This stupid drama lesson has put me in a bad mood. And I 'have' to go shopping with Clara for a dress for this Friday, after school. Absolutely brilliant!
While walking out of the school gates I put on some really depressing classical music which I hardly ever listen to. When I listen to music it usually shows my mood so if I'm angry I'd listen to Drowning Pool Bodies or something along them lines. But if I'm in a good mood I'll listen to something more upbeat.
Lost in my thoughts I didn't realise another's presence by the side of me. I turned to see... Tristan. With one of my earphones... in his ear.
Torture tools popped in my head as I saw his smirking face and I was seriously going to go on eBay and purchase some sort of painful tools which I could use on this prick.
I rolled my eyes and scowled at him, looking straight forward.
"What do you want, Tristan?" I said bored, hoping he'd get the hint that I cannot be bothered with him!
"Classical, really?" He raised an eyebrow at him and I was tempted to find a blow torch and singe them off!
"I'm in a bad mood. Leave me alone." I snapped and rushed off, leaving him to walk alone.


Ok, it's official.... I hate shopping!
4 hours... 4 long tedious hours of shopping. And I've finally got the 'perfect' dress. Clara's words not mine.
I flop down on the bed and think about Friday. Who's going to be there? How many people? Wait, I don't even know who's party it is.
"CLARA!" I shout out, knowing she can hear me since she's in the next room.
"What?!" I hear her murmur.
"Who's is the party on Friday?!"
She doesn't reply for a minute, "Ummm, It's Tristan's and his twin sisters 18th birthday."
Oh great.

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