Chapter 31

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Jenna's POV

Three weeks. For three weeks I had been hiding from Tristan. I knew that I couldn't go to anyone I knew; they would get hurt. I used the 10 dollars that the helpful man gave me to buy enough food for a few days; I've been begging and scrounging ever since. It was quite hurtful that so many of my classmates didn't recognise me. I might have been gone for nearly 7 months, but I wasn't a complete hermit. It seemed quite drastic, becoming homeless just to hide from Tristan, but I couldn't think of a better idea. No where was safe. I desperately wanted to call Lauren, go to her house and hide. But putting her in danger was the last thing I wanted to do. I was sacrificing everything to keep myself, and her, safe. Lauren should have stayed in New York; it was safe there. Sighing, as yet another businessman shoved me to the floor, clearly in a hurry to work. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I always became erratic when I was stressed or angry. But this situation was all my fault, I couldn't blame some random guy. I pushed myself off the floor, before realising that the stitching of my jumper had been pulled, again. There wasn't going to be much left, after a while. I quickly became selfish. I wanted to go home... Or to Lauren's house. Without a shred of dignity left, I dragged myself to Lauren's house. Just seeing black hair, or anyone taller than 6 foot, got me worried. I hid before turning at corners. My heart was racing. It was only once my fist came into contact with Lauren's front door that I felt safe. However, this safety was short lived. Tristan's car pulled onto the street. I pounded on the door before hiding behind the small bushes, in front of the house. Lauren opened the door and hastily pulled me inside, careful not to gain unwanted attention. She slammed the door shut and pulled me into a rib crushing hug.

"Where the fuck have you been, you stupid bitch?" She cried, stroking my head. We chuckled together, neither of us wanting to pull away. I had missed her too much. She rocked us gently, pulling us down on to the sofa. "I was so worried about you. You're a mess. Tell me everything." Hesitantly, she pulled away from her hug and held my hands in her lap. Taking a deep breath, I knew I had to tell her the truth. The whole truth. She didn't trust Tristan, so I knew she would believe me. I didn't think I could mention the vampire aspect though. Before I could speak, a loud pounding came from the front door. It was him. It had to be. I ran to the kitchen and hid. Lauren turned to me, but answered the door.

"Lauren, it's been three weeks now. I'm so worried about her. Please tell me you have news on where she could be. If she's dead...." It was Tristan. I peeked my head out, to watch him. He looked dreadful. His hair was knotted and greasy. His eyes had bags and his skin was dry and peeling. He hadn't been washing. His cheeks had thinned and his nose had become more prominent. I think I had been eating better than him. And I had been eating out of bins for the past week. He was in the same outfit as when I ran away. Had he been worried about me?... No. He couldn't be worried about me. Just worried that I might have gone to the police. Or that he had lost his victim. Many sadists and psychopaths enjoyed having just one victim and fixated their crazy acts on them. It was sickening. And I was afraid that he had suckered in Lauren. I knew she was gullible and too innocent for her own good, she always had been, but this was worrying. I cowered further into the kitchen, as I watched Tristan make his way into the house. Didn't vampires need to be invited in? Was that a myth or had he been here before? I didn't want to know. Before she spoke, Lauren glanced back at the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry, she's my best friend but you love her, I can't imagine how hard that it must be for you. I haven't seen her. I'll call you as soon ask hear anything. My dad went out this morning to search the surrounding area." She sighed. I knew she emphasised that he loved me, but I wasn't going to buy any of his bullshit any time soon. Being kidnapped never was fun.

"But they say that after 48 hours, there isn't much chance of survival for anyone that goes missing. I don't even think the police give a damn. I'll be back tomorrow." He sighed. I heard the two of them whispering, before he stomped out the house and slammed the door behind him. Sighing deeply in relief, I came out from hiding and trudged into the living room.

"Lauren, than..." I paused. He hadn't left. Lauren had left. He must have compelled her. Shit. I backed up against the wall, dropping to the floor and curling into a tiny ball. It made things so much easier when I couldn't see him. I knew he was stood above me, but I was calmer when I wasn't looking at him. I was physically shaking.

"Come on babe. We're going home. We have some unfinished business to attend to." There was a hint of malice in his voice. Just when I though he might actually love me. I knew that wasn't the time to make jokes for myself, but I would have been crying if not.

"No." I spoke up, batting away his arms. I didn't want him touching me. It sickened me. His hands were icy cold and too soft. It was such an unfamiliar feeling.

"I really don't want to do this here. Let me take you home." He pleaded, grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I turned and twisted, fighting him as much as I could. It was no use though; I was quickly pinned up against the wall. His fangs were protruding and his eyes were black, the veins around his eyes popping out again. Oh god. In on swift movement, his mouth was clamped to my neck and his fangs stuck in a vein. I could feel the mixing of liquids. Like alcohol, it burned. I knew there was pleasure to be found in a situation like that, but I fought away those thoughts. I punched him with all of my might. Was he turning me? My eyelids became heavy. He sure did enjoy me being unconscious. I wasn't sure, but I'm sure he said something to me quietly.

"You're mine now."

Guys! What did you think? I was unsure on doing the homeless part. I wrote stuff but it just wasn't very interesting. And there was no Tristan! So please enjoy this chapter, as we see some more of Tristan's band side!! I'm going be writing a couple of chapters at a time, so that you don't have to wait so long. Emily is currently busy, doing who knows what, so I apologise for my terrible writing. She is the creative one.... I'm the talent 😂👌😋

SOTC: Eureka by ZICO ft. Zion T (ZICO is bae and my Block B bias (leave a comment if you're a Kpop fan))



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