Chapter 25

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-Tristan's POV-

"I can explain...." I wracked my brain, hoping I might come up with some sort of excuse. My day was too unlucky for that to happen.

"Oh my god! Stay away from my friend!" Lauren was screaming, flailing her arms around. "What the hell are you, monster?" Tears were streaming down her face, wailing in fear. I held up my arms in surrender, backing into the far wall. I didn't want to scare her.

"I'm a vampire." Clearly and confidently, I stated the truth. Seeing Jenna like this knocked me back and she wasn't going to believe me, even if I did lie, so I knew that I couldn't try. I folded my arms across my chest, clearly showing that I was an authoritative figure. She rolled her eyes and punched me. Well that's one reaction.

"You're dating my best friend, you jackass. You better come up with an explanation pretty fucking quickly." She was smaller than me but it felt as though she was looking down on me. I held my ground, attempting to prove my strength and authority. I was a vampire; a teenage girl wasn't going to take me down. I placed my hands on her shoulders, ready to compel her.

"Lauren, you are going to leave this hospital and forget what you saw me do. I'm just a regular guy, in love with your friend." I waited for her to repeat it and comply, but she didn't move. Something was happening. She has to go. This isn't right. What is she?

"Excuse me. You expect me to just leave and forget what I saw. You can't compel me, Tristan. You're a vampire, and I'm a hunter. You should be glad I haven't killed you yet." She grinned, revealing her vervain. I growled, wanting to snatch it from her. I concealed my anger, trying to prove to her that I wasn't angry or as bad as others. I was new to this, I felt almost discriminated. I shouldn't complain, at least someone else will be here. I'm glad Jenna has her, and me. Of course.

"Lauren, we need to just suck it up and get along okay! If Jenna is in this state, you need to stop being a bitch and sit in a room with me whilst she gets better. I'm in love with her and she's in love with me. Hunter or not, you are her best friend and you just have to deal with me being a vampire!" I could tell my true self was showing, the blood pumping through my veins was faster than usual. She jumped back slightly, clearly she hadn't actually seen a vampire before. Some hunter. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Jenna. She was so fragile, it was shocking to see her in such a state. Lauren stayed glued to the spot she was stood in and glared at me for the next couple of hours. I had sat in the chair clutching at Jenna's hands and paced around the room on multiple occasions but Lauren didn't once move from the spot she was in. Her glare followed me but I pushed her to the back of my mind. As I began to drift off in the seat, a quiet and soft voice spoke.

"Lauren, what are you doing to Tristan? Is that a needle?" Jenna yawned, sounding tiredly concerned. I wanted to spin around and through Lauren across the room, but my soul focus was Jenna being awake. I practically leaped up and embraced her.

"Jenna, baby, oh thank god. These past few hours have been hell! Jesus Christ, you past out because you're exhausted. Why haven't you been sleeping? Don't ever do that to me again okay. Jenna, I can't describe how happy I am." Rambling on about what happened, I pulled Jenna into a bone crushing hug, refusing to let go of her. She giggled slightly, resting her head on my chest. I heard her mumble a quiet apology, only for me to hear.

"Well isn't this just perfect." Lauren spoke up. Both Jenna and I turned to face her. "Jenna, do you have any idea what kind of monster he is? You're in danger when you're around him. Stay away from him." She warned, hurrying around to the opposite side of the bed and tugging on Jenna's arm. She looked like a terrified child. I sent Lauren the most threatening glare I could, warning her to stop meddling. Before either of us could speak, Jenna sat up straight, in bed.

"I know what he is Lauren. And I couldn't care less. I'm in love with him. I know it sounds stupid and cheesy but it's true, not just some crush. He may have all the school girls swooning over him, but he's mine and I'm his. Please try to accept us being together, you're my best friend and I don't want to lose you over this. But if you force me to choose, I'll always choose Tristan. I'm sorry." Her voice was fragile and repeatedly cracked. I didn't want to know how much pain it caused her to say that. Seeing her fall today has caused me enough. I hadn't realised how much Jenna loved me, but as she spoke to Lauren, I felt truly loved by her. I've never been in a relationship properly before, only once and I was 15. Jenna was special, in a way indescribable, and I knew I wouldn't never find someone like her ever again. She was obviously going to grow up and eventually die, whereas I will age around 100 times slower. I was learning about my life span. I wasn't completely immortal, but a few thousand years is long enough for anyone. My mind had quickly wandered from love to life, all whilst Lauren was ready to burst a vein.

"How can you feel safe around it, the beast? He could kill you at any second, rip open you neck and drain you of every ounce of blood pumping through your body. You can't expect me to just shut up and accept it. We've been friends for over a decade, I know what's right for you. He isn't. If you stay with him, I'm not going to stand around and watch you risk your life with him. Please Jenna, think about what you're doing. I'm saying this because I love you." A small part of me knew that she was right, but I didn't want to lose Jenna. She's my other half; I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. Jenna didn't have the chance to reply, as the Doctor walked in as she opened her mouth.

"Ah, Miss Price, I see you're finally awake. Have a nice sleep?" He chuckled, flipping through his notes as he spoke. We all let out a small laugh and Jenna nodded. "Well we should be able to discharge you in a few minutes as it was only a minor incident. But please, get some more sleep. We don't want to see you in here again for a while. I'll just go and prescribe you some sleep." This Doctor was one of the most sarcastic people I'd ever met, and he was a Doctor! I brought Jenna her jacket, as it was the only item of clothing taken off her. Lauren snatched it from me.

"Go Tristan, I can help Jenna get home." She shooed me to the doorway. I smirked happily, knowing that Jenna had to come home with me. Laughing, Jenna pushed me out of the room and grinned.

"Leave me alone Tristan. I don't love you. I never have. Who could love a monster like you?" She spat. Crying, I begged for her to take it back. I clenched my eyes shut and when I opened them, I was in my bed. Alone. It had been almost 6 months since Jenna fell into the coma and I had been having the same dream over and over again. I threw on a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans and a white striped shirt. Slipping on my red converse, I grabbed my phone and rushed to the hospital. Lauren text me to say she couldn't visit today. Unlike my dreams, she didn't know about my vampirism. Luckily. The Doctor greeted me and handed me my usual glass of water. I slumped in the chair next to the bed and talked to Jenna. Sometimes I'd tell her how my week had been, other times I'd shout for her to wake up, but not once did I even debate moving on from her. She is the only girl I love. I massaged her hand, focusing on it, not raising what happened.

"Tristan. Tristan Evans?"

Omg uuuupppdaaatttteeee!!! I know it's been over 2 months but we've really been struggling with writers block. Please be patient as it took me a while to write this and I'm sure Emily won't update for a while. I hope you all keep reading as it means a lot to us! Thank you so much!

Sotc: You're So Fly by BTOB



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