Chapter 42

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Jenna's POV

"I love you."

I could remember saying those words, but I can't remember why. It must have been to Tristan; I've never loved anyone else. But why? I sat up in bed, quickly feeling extremely lightheaded. I had no memories of yesterday evening. I was kissing Derek in the forest, then I came home with Tristan. Did I tell Derek that I loved him or was I really with Tristan last night? Was he still here? I needed to ask him what happened. I noticed I was only wearing my underwear and one of Tristan's shirts. Pervert. I stumbled out of my room, almost falling downstairs.

"Tristan?" I shouted, slowly making my way towards the kitchen. The living room was empty, so I assumed that he would be in the kitchen, if he was even in the house at all. Nope. He wasn't here. Then I remembered. He bit me. Well that's an understatement. He fucking drained me of my blood. I grabbed the kitchen counter, rubbing my forehead. I could feel a migraine coming on. Making my way back upstairs, I slipped on my bra underneath Tristan's shirt and put on a pair of jeans. Rubbing some foundation on my face, I grabbed a black baseball cap and hurried downstairs. I slipped on my black loafers and Derek's leather jacket, because that jacket was comfy asf , leaving the house with my phone and rucksack. I hurried to school without any food.

"Jenna, you okay?" Lauren rushed over to me. I hadn't messaged her since I left with Tristan yesterday. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I smiled at her, trying to convince her that I wasn't completely broken inside.

"I'm fine. I'm not even hungry. I can tell that you're starving. Let's get some food. I passed out when I got home. I guess a 6 month coma couldn't make up for all my lost sleep, but I'm fine now." I grinned, hoping to make her laugh. She rolled her eyes, punching my arm. Okay, coma jokes aren't funny...

"Come on. You look really pale today. You need my portion of breakfast today; I don't care that you aren't hungry." She sighed, sitting me at a table and going to get toast for the both of us.

"Hey beautiful. How were you after we were interrupted? I saw you hit your head. Let me see." He gently grabbed my head, taking off my cap and turned me, to see where it was cut. "Oh." He sighed, sounding confused.

"What? Is it bad?" I instinctively put my hands over the spot, nervous about how it looked. He still held my hat and began to pout. He looked cute. Wait. Did I just think that about another guy? Urgh. I need to stop being so nostalgic over Tristan. He isn't the only attractive guy on the planet.

"There's nothing there. It must be just bruised, or you have a hard head." He smiled, putting my cap on his own head., after adjusting it to fit his larger head. "Cutie." He smiled. "And I see you like the jacket." He winked, stroking my arm. I smiled, coyly, hoping that I looked attractive in at least some way.

"It reminded me of someone." I grinned, cringing on the inside at my cheesiness, hoping that the world would swallow me up and I could forget what I just said. Derek clearly didn't mind what I'd said.

"Glad to know you are putting it to good use then, cutie." Cringe. He actually called me, yes ME, cutie. That was a first. I actually didn't mind having a pet name... Okay I cringed a little bit, but I felt special. Why am I being so girly today? I cleared my throat, before Derek wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Got some toast, and the cook gave me some bacon because she loves me." Lauren grinned, putting the food on the table. She made her way to a chair next to Ethan. I helped myself to half a slice of toast. I didn't want it, but Lauren would make a scene if I didn't eat anything. My head began to spin, before I could lift the food to my mouth.

"Jenna? Babe, you okay?" Derek grabbed me, watching as my eyes closed and I began to lose consciousness. I felt sick, had Tristan marked me again. Was he far away? Did he know what he had done, or was he trying to kill me?

"Please get me home. I'll stay home and do school work from bed. I don't feel so good." I whined, knowing that I needed an excuse to be away from people's curious eyes, but I had missed so much school.

"I'll take you baby." He smiled at me. "Lauren, tell the teacher what's going on." Derek smiled sympathetically. He was being so kind and understanding. He picked me up, draped across his arms, before hurrying out of school. "Well, I walked to school today , so I guess I'm walking you home." He placed my bag on my stomach, along with some toast. I nibbled the buttery embers, that could have possibly been a good slice of toast, if it wasn't for the impossibly bad skills of the schools cooks.


"Thank you Derek. I live quite far, so I'm very grateful." I smiled, weakly, feeling the after effects of being bitten. Maybe he hadn't marked me... I had been drained of the majority of my blood.

"It's no problem, babe. You're light as a feather, and I couldn't just have you wandering around the streets in this condition. Let's get you inside." He smiled, happily. He looked even more handsome... Nevermind... He put me down and stood awkwardly outside the front door, watching me as I turned the key in the lock.

"Do you wanna... Come in, maybe? I mean... You don't have t--" I asked him to stay but quickly regretted it and became flustered, before he interrupted me.

"I'd love to come in. Thanks." He smirked, closing the, now open, front door behind him.
"Nice place." He mumbled, before stalking over to me...

Guys... I had to end it like that because I've had writers block for weeks and I needed to end the chapter just so that I can write something else! Thank you so much for 58k reads!! Wow! You are amazing. Thank you again!!

SOTC: Can You Feel My Heart - BMTH (it was gonna be something kpop but I'm going to see BMTH in concert on Sunday so I've been listening to them again :D)



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