Chapter 12

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(Jenna's POV)

I walked towards the door, thinking of leaving, but I decided to stay. I jogged downstairs and turned off all of the music and forced everyone to leave. I just made a bunch of enemies. I shut the door and rest my head against it.

"What a long day." I sighed to myself.

"What are you doing here?" Tristan's sister, Rebekah, spat at me.

"Cleaning up. Tristan fell asleep." I smiled, politely.

"You know about us don't you." She snarled at me.

"Yes, but it's fine." I kept smiling. She sped in front of me, in less than a second. She looked deep into my eyes.

"You too?" I asked but she didn't answer.

"You came to this party and had a good time, you and Tristan became best friends and he offered for you to stay. You will forget what we are until I say for you too remember any of it." I repeated after her then immediately forgot what she said. "Well you can go." She wafted her finger towards the stairs. I rolled my eyes and jogged upstairs. I tiptoed into his room and hovered over him. I couldn't stay, it isn't polite to overstay your welcome.

"Goodbye, Ice Cream." I smiled and turned away, before he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Don't go." He yanked at my arm and pulled me down to him.

"Woah. Calm down, Superman." I chuckled. He stirred slightly and fell back to sleep. I laid next to him and tried to move but he had some new super grip and he wouldn't budge, he must be working out. I sighed and laid back. I rolled over to look at him, kicking off my ridiculous heels in the process.

"I'm glad things worked out, turns out you aren't a dick after all." I smiled, muttering to myself. He rolled over, looking deep into my eyes.

"Me too." He grinned. I rested my head on his chest and smiled up to him.

"There's something different about you, I like it." I whispered.

"I think we both know there is something very different." He laughed. What?

"What do you mean?"

"What did we talk about earlier?" He smirked.

"I can't remember." I shook my head. He screwed up his eyebrows.

"The whole transformation thing." He nudged me. I shook my head.

"Puberty?" I laughed.

"No! The vampire thing!" He practically shouted. I laughed at him.

"Come on! They aren't real!" I grinned, as if. I rolled my eyes.

"Jen, what's happened?" He sat up and stormed out if his room, looking as though he remembered something. The stairs creaked slightly.

"REBEKAH!" He yelled, making the walls shake slightly. She calmly walked in, smirking. She was up to something, I barely knew her but I didn't like her.

"Yes, dear brother." She grinned, aiming everything she said at me.

"What have you done to Jen?!" He yelled.

"Made things right." She laughed. Sibling rivalry?

"What did you do!?" He screamed, pinning her up against the wall.

"I compelled her okay! She doesn't need to know." She spat in his face.

"Undo the compulsion. Now." He demanded. What the hell is compulsion?

"No, Tristan." She shook her head. He gripped at her neck until she agreed.

"Rebekah, I love her." He begged. I was stunned. Love? We are only friends, and that's new. Even Rebekah looked stunned. He let go and she walked up to me, sighing.

"Jenna, remember everything." She rolled her eyes and walked away. My eyes slightly widened just as I remembered. I wrapped my arms around Tristan.

"You remembered?." He chuckled. I giggled and nodded. Rebekah scuttled away. Tristan threw one of his shirts and I went outside to change. Seconds later, I walked back in and laid on the bed. I shut my eyes and felt the bed tip slightly.

"Ice Cream..." I muttered. He laid his arm over my waist and pulled my head to his shoulder.

Maybe we could work....

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