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Porscha glared at Andrew, "May I have a word with you?"

Andrew's cocky smile plastered his face as he stared over at Jenna and Tony, "Of course you may."

Andrew smiled, and flashed Tony two thumbs up as he and Porscha exited the restaurant.

"For fuck sake, Andrew" Jenna thought to herself.

He planned it, all of it. He planned the joke, the angry waitress, Tony singing, every last detail. He knew what he was going to do, damn.

The awkward silence grew unbearable as the two stared lovingly at each other, both secretly longing for more, "So, how 'bout the weather?" Tony laughed at, sipping the fresh tea he'd managed to order from another waitress while Andrew angered the waitress.

"It's beautiful, just like your voice." Jenna flirted, as if she didn't already have Tony wrapped around her finger.

He moved the straw in circular motion around the cup, "The only beautiful trait I possess is the one that lead me to find you."

Hook. Line. And sinker. Jenna was reeled in like a rainbow trout- as if she hadn't always loved him no matter what the scenario.


Sorry it's short guys.

It's a really busy week, I have graduation this week, as well as hangouts with friends, and lots of shopping to get done. So sorry.

Please be patient. But please also read/enjoy/vote/follow/share ♡ 。(◕‿◕✿)

-Jules (✿◠‿◠) @mktofangirls

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