Not the crab cakes

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•Andrew's POV•

Jenna left me hanging. I should have expected that. She wasn't an idiot, she knew that I would do something sneaky.

I stared down at my watch, 6 minutes had gone by.

"Hey man," Tony grinned, sliding into the seat across from me.

"Hey, dude. What's up?" I smiled. Wow, Tony was hot. I can't believe my best friend never realized what a hot guy she was dating. Now, before we get carried away, I'm completely and utterly 110% hetero. I'm just secure enough in my masculinity to admit when a dude is hot.

"Where's Jenna?" He snuck the question in and hid his face. He was afraid what she'd think. That love in his eyes burned passionately. I knew Tony still loved my little Jenna. I'm glad he did. They needed each other.

"Actually she's-" I heard Jenna's voice coming around the corner, "coming now." I laughed, and plastered an innocent smile on my face.

Jenna stopped dead in her tracks.

"oh. Jenna, you're back already. I was just having a conversation with my buddy tony here."

I could have done better, but I only had a few seconds.

Jenna slid into the seat next to me, across from Tony.

For a solid 4 minutes, I sat there watching them stare at each other. It was silent, intense, horrifyingly awkward.

I couldn't handle the silence, "Wow...the awkward is visible in the air....." I joked lovingly.

Still no movement. Shit.

Anything? A blink? A comment? Anything?


Then there it was, Jenna and Tony simultaneously reacted as if they read each others' thoughts.

Tony lunged forward towards Jenna. Jenna reacted the same, but extended her arm out to knock all the drinks and appetizers off the table onto the floor.

They began having a full on make-out session right across that table.

I was astounded at that reaction.

Looking down at the floor, I realized what had just occurred, "Aw come on, Jenna. Not the crab cakes!"

Without You (Tony Oller fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon