Blame and Boxes

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"I'm so sorry," Jenna continued, wrapping her arms around Malcolm's mothers' shoulders.

In the midst of Jenna's explaining of how Malcolm got in the accident, from what the doctors, officers, and witnesses had said, Tony broke into tears.

"It's- it's okay ," Malcolm's mom sobbed between tears rolling off her cheeks, "it's not your fault."

Tony paced back and forth in front of Jenna, who still had her arms wrapped around Malcolm's mother. He felt the guilt overwhelming him. He thought it was all his fault. Because his little brother meant the world to him, the fact he had any part in the accident is what led him to what he did next.

He fell onto his butt, burying his head in his knees. He ran his fingers in his scruffy, brown hair. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and he sobbed out loud, "No, but it's mine," he cried, "This all could have been avoided. That should have been me. It should be me in a coma." He continued, tears began rolling off of Jenna's cheeks as well.

Malcolm's mother stood up and walked to Tony. She leaned beside him, and laughed into his hair.

"Anthony Michael Oller," she whispered, "It's not your fault. He did it because he loves you, and wanted to help you with this. None of us knew that at the exact moment, there would be a drunk driver." She began crying.
"Hun, I'm his MOTHER. I want to blame the world for what happened to him, yet I would never blame you. It's not your fault, Tony." Tony stood up, and she stared into his eyes. "It'll be okay." She whispered as tears stung at her eyes again. Tony was an emotional wreck, tears flooding his face like Niagara Falls. Malcolm's mother leaned in and kissed his forehead.
"I'm going to get Malcolm's sister. She's worried sick." She added, before leaving Tony and Jenna alone in that empty hospital room once more.

"Tony, baby. What do you mean by 'it's your fault' because it's not. " Jenna looked puzzled. Tony wasn't even with Malcolm when it happened. Tony didn't even know about it.
She was really thankful tony wasn't in the wreck. She wished it could have been anybody else besides Malcolm. She loved Tony with all her heart, but Malcolm was basically her only best friend. She couldn't lose either. And she knew if she lost Malcolm, Tony would too. Tony didn't love many people the way he loved Malcolm. They were family by choice. Those choices were important to them. They had a bond like no other. Tony couldn't bare to live without Malcolm. Jenna couldn't either, but she knew Tony would be affected even worst by it.

"R-remember how I said I had to ask you something?" Tony stuttered between painfully loud, and grieving sobs.

Jenna thought back to their conversation before Tony got the phone call.
How Tony was waiting for a delivery, and how he wanted to order in for dinner instead of going out. Everything hit her like a truck in that moment. No way. Her thoughts couldn't have been a reality. She was so conflicted. If what she thought Tony was planning was truly what happened, she could never convince Tony it wasn't his fault.

"Tony," she started. She was cut off by a flood of tears. Partly out of happiness for what she expected, and sadness because Tony blamed himself for everything that happened to Malcolm. He shouldn't though. He should have known that. "You weren't going to....were you?"

He laughed out of humiliation. Tears were still flowing from his two beautiful eyes. At the moment, they were green, the beautiful emerald green that they had been the day he and Jenna met.
His crying had calmed slightly, but it was still pretty constant.

She couldn't prepare herself for what happened next.
Tony grabbed her hand, and escorted her into the next room.
Malcolm laid there lifeless, no movement. He was attached to I.V., and beeping machines.
Jenna was overwhelmed. Why had Tony brought her in here? She wasn't as strong as he was. That's why initially he came in, without her. She didn't want to see him lay there, almost dead.
She couldn't handle the pain of her best friend being near death.

"M-MALCOLM!" She screamed, "no. Malcolm. No. Please stay." She stared blankly ahead, at him.

She hadn't even noticed Tony let go of her hand, wandered over to the cabinet. Malcolm's belongings. He had pulled out Malcolm's jacket.
He laughed because Jenna was so busy she hadn't even noticed inside the bag was an actual suit. It was a nice, dark grey suit.
Tony reached inside the pocket, and pulled out a little, red velvet box.
She hadn't noticed. 'Wow' Tony thought. She really shouldn't come in the same room as Malcolm anymore. At least until he's better.
Tony slid the little box into his back pocket.

He grabbed Jenna's wrist and pulled her out the door, "Jenna. Baby, look at me. It's okay. Jenna, baby. Stop it." He comforted her.

"Tony Oller! Don't you-" Jenna began, but Tony cut her off.

"Hey hey. Don't play the last name game with me. Don't say my last name like you're pissed at me." He laughed.

"I'll say your last name if I want to." She said angrily. Tony went from upset to sarcastic douchebag again. She loved him, but he had the worst timing. At least she thought.

"You like it?" He laughed, as if he were mocking her pain.

"Your last name? Yeah, sure. It's cute." She giggled, wiping away her tears, and feeling overwhelmed with anger.

He slid his hand into his back pocket and pulled out the little box. "I really wish I could have done this under better circumstances, but since it's such a cute last name, do you want it?" He smiled, wiping away a tear, as he opened the box to show her the beautiful ring.

"I love you." Tony smiled, a hopeful smile.


Hey guys. I hope you like it. ♡
I love you guys.

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Does Jenna say yes?
Does Malcolm survive?
How will Malcolm's condition affect Jenna and Tony?
Will there be a Jenna and Tony?


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