Somehow his lips find their way to my neck and I feel weak.
"Lorenzo! Stop!" I whisper yell placing my hands on his chest with no power to push him away.

"Yes Lorenzo please stop" we break apart and standing by the door is my father as he stares at the two of us with an unreadable expression.
I run my hands through my hair and wait for the fight. I'm so stupid, i think to myself as they stand in silence. To let him touch me like that, now, after everything he's done to me and the lies and the fact that he is who he is...

"Alright well then, I've got you the incentive to take over your family which now wants you dead. Family reunion. Las Palmas, 2 weeks away." My father says looking at Lorenzo as he processes the information.

"Why would they want me at a reunion when they are trying to kill me?" He says frustration clear in his tone.

"Well they won't be expecting you.. because your father is doing this killing you under raps he can't touch you in front of everyone. You get on his bad side maybe even mess with him and bam you take back your power" the plan didn't sound so absurd. This wasn't rocket science after all.

"Alright, fine pack your bags Adeline" I turn my head at the sound of my name. But before I can even open my mouth or think of the words to say, my father speaks out,
"No way! She's not going with you! This could lead to war, especially in Spain. No way" Lorenzo's expression doesn't seem to keen to this idea.

"No she's still my captive if I don't drag her along no one will believe that I've put down my psychotic ways, plus she will be safer there with me" I scowl at the two of them and watch Lorenzo's stature. It's interesting for someone who pretended to be psychotic he shows the signs.

The tapping of the finger and the weird erratic behavior. The pleasure in pain. They never said he had pretended. I truly believe he might have some sort of psychosis or form of ill temper.

"No! She is coming with me home, there been enough of this ridiculousness. She needs to come home now" my father says. I scowl why were they deciding for me? Last time i checked I'm an adult..

"Excus-" I try to speak but Lorenzo's words drown me out.
"Can't you see I'm trying to protect her!" Lorenzo yells out.

"I don't need you to protect her anymore!"

"Well if you weren't looking for a solid case we wouldn't have this issue!"

"Don't bring my career into this!"

"Stoppppppppp!" I screech they both turn to me and I freeze. Wow that worked..

"Both of you stop it! This is ridiculous I'm an adult I can make my own decisions" I scowl at their expressions they look shocked.

"Okay what do you want?" My father asks.

"To take a shower" I retaliate getting out of the living room and going to take that shower...

After my shower I feel myself lighter and less stuck on what was happening. I wrap my body with the towel and make my way out of the bathroom to my room quickly.

Shutting the door behind me I turn to see Lorenzo on my bed.
Déjà vu hits me hard and i frown as he looks me up and down.

"You really should learn to bring your clothes to the bathroom" he says smirking.

"You should stop invading my privacy" I add clutching my towel tightly. There was already this excessive tension between us that it would just make it worse if my towel slipped.

He stands up and walks towards me. I feel my breathing get messed up and body heat up.
"Come with me to Spain" he says. I scowl of course they are both gonna corner me and try to convince me.

"Why?" I ask raising a brow.
"One I'll take care of you, two I have money, three I'm gorgeous, four I'm fun and five it's Spain!!" He says trying to be as ecstatic as he can.

"Okay but then there's the terrible violent family-"

"Easily avoidable"

"The guns"

"A minor issue"

"Lorenzo...what do you suggest I do?" I say he smirks.
"Hmm find out your regular hair color from your father" 

"What?!" I say shocked, "what does that have to do with Spain?"

"Nothing but I'm curious" he says shrugging.
I can't help but smile. But then he adds,
"So Spain yes and hair color yes.. get dressed and pack up" he says.

He led towards the door and shuts it behind him. Did I want to go with him? Las palmas would be fun, beautiful and a new experience. But so much could go wrong...

It racks my brain as i pull on something to wear and make my way out towards the living room where Lorenzo bothers my father for my hair color.

"Just tell me"
"Why not?"
"Are you three?" I smile as Lorenzo backs down. My curiosity is also piqued and I decide it's about time to know.

"Yes dad what is my hair color?" I say coming into the room and crossing my arms.

Time to know, since I would need a new look for Las Palmas...

Things were different now and my mindset different as well. Lorenzo was my only choice at this point. So here I Come Spain.

Captive by Hell Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя