Soon enough we were at a diner which I didn't pick the name up of, but it looked so cool, very 60's American style which was awesome. We were greeted by Kirsty and Jenna outside.

"Alice, this is Jenna, Jenna this is Alice" Kirsty said smiling between us.

"Nice to meet you!" Jenna said wearing a huge smile.

"You too" I smiled back, Jakob and I still held hands as he was stood next to me.

"Alice can I talk to you real quick please?" Kirsty asked with a worried tone, uh oh.

"Sure, don't wait up for me, just save me a seat next to you" I said to Jakob.

"Okay sweetie" he have me a quick kiss and made his way inside with the guys, Jenna stayed outside with the two of us.

"You and Jakob ay?" Jenna said raising her eyes brows.

"Yeah... But no ones supposed to know, we kind of forgot about that haha. How comes you guys aren't at school today?" I asked remembering that I had the day off and the guys bunked.

"Our grade only had a half day, so the guys didn't miss much anyway!" Jenna tunefully said. She seemed very bright and joyful which was good.

"What's up Kirst?" I suddenly asked, remembering she asked to talk to me.

"I think Matt saw you guys holding hands, he text me asking if you guys were dating and I said no of course not why and he said because he thought he saw you holding hands when he drove past in the car so I said it probably wasn't you and even if it was it would've only been for a joke" Kirsty suddenly spat that all out in one breath. Well fuck. I guess we need to be more careful.

"Thanks for warning me Kirsty, and for covering my back, you're a life saver!"

"You're welcome Ally, Jenna, you can't tell anyone anything okay?"

"I won't, your secrets are safe with me!"

We walked into the diner and took our seats, I sat inbetween Jakob and Kirsty with Travis the other side of her, Cole was sat opposite Jakob with Jenna beside him, then Joey and Max on the end.

"Yay you're back" Jakob adorably said kissing my forehead and holding my hand under the table.

"Jake, Matt thinks he saw us holding hands... Kirsty covered for me but we need to be careful" I said with a deep sigh, it sucked having to hide things even though we weren't doing very well at hiding it.

"How did he see u- oh fuck, there was a baseball match for the second team, he must've drove past..."

"You didn't miss the match did you?" I would be so angry at myself if I made him miss a game.

"No, I'm team one, ours is next Monday!" He excitedly said, I can't wait to go watch him.

"That's my boy" I said jokingly and gave his hand a little squeeze.

We ordered our food and just talked and laughed for a while. It was nice having just a few people gathered together, we all got on, especially Jenna and Cole. They looked perfect together. After we had finished our food and drinks which Joey kindly paid for, we thought we'd look round town for a few things to go in my room. Jakob and I didn't hold hands this time, but we just stayed side by side, however the others were giving each other piggy backs and bridal style carrying one another around the mall as Jakob, me, Jenna and Cole stood back and watched. Travis and Kirsty trailed behind us, holding hands and just being the most adorable couple on earth. We all went in and out of a number of stores and ended up with a can of black paint and a can of red paint along with paint brushes in varied sizes since we're going to paint lyrics on my walls. On the way home, we took a slow, long walk altogether. Cole and Jenna departed from us all as we hit Jenna's road, I'm guessing Cole was either going to hers or walking her home which was cute. Kirsty and Travis both went to Travis' house, so they left shortly after Cole and Jenna. Travis gave Kirsty a piggy back down the road, all we could hear was them laughing, it was adorable! It was just me, Jakob, Joey and Max so we decided to take the forest way.

We were a little while into the forest, it just seemed to keep going, when all of a sudden we heard Max shout "HIDE AND SEEK! JOEY YOU HAVE TO FIND US HAHAHAHAH" and he ran off into the middle of nowhere.

"Fuck this'll be impossible!" Joey muttered under his breath.

"See you in like an hour Joey!" Jakob said mocking him, to my surprise I was lifted off my feet and carried bridal style into the distance. Jakob ran for a little while carrying me whilst I clung on to him scared for my life. When Jakob stopped he placed me down and we just spontaneously started laughing, out of breath, we both fell on the floor in front of a tree. Our eyes connected, something clicked this time. Something that I hadn't felt before triggered in my mind. His eyes sparkled, it seems to be since we kissed in my room earlier on the day. I noticed Jakob grin a little, I could tell we both felt the urge to kiss. We both started to lean in...

"Hey guys!" I heard a similar voice call, thankfully it just looked like Jakob and I were looking at each other and not actually about to kiss. Both me and Jakob looked up at two figures standing above us. Gerard and Lynz.

"Hey!" Jakob said as he stood up, then grabbing my hand to pull me up.

"Why we're you guys sat down there?" Gerard questioned us.

"We're hiding from Joey since Max wanted to play hide and seek, have you seen him?" It sounded so childish when Jakob said it, but it was so funny.

"I saw Max running and screaming he was heading in the opposite direction, it looked like Joey following him but didn't really see" Gerard said trying not to laugh at what he just said.

"Okay thanks, what you guys doing?"

"Just going for a walk, are you guys dating?" Gerard unexpectedly asked us this, me and Jakob just exchanged looks. We were silent for a few seconds.

"We won't tell anyone, Jake man you're my closest friend, even if we didn't get on we've become great friends so soon, it's cool" Gerard tried persuading Jakob.

"Well... Uh... Yeah, we are. But please do not tell anyone, I mean anyone. Not even Matt, or Mikey!" Jakob admitted to them, I wasn't sure wether I was pleased or worried. What if Matt found out? I don't want him to hate me.

"We won't, Matt thinks you guys like each other, he asked me if you guys were holding hands but I covered for you as did Kirsty."

"You're a life saver Gerard, thankyou!" I thanked Gerard and they said their goodbyes since we thought we heard Joey coming. Jakob found this little hill with a small stream running down it, so we sat down there.

"Something I didn't get to do just a minute ago..." Jakob said with a sly voice and before I knew it, our lips were connected. It felt like heaven, once again. A long time it lasted for, but we heard a wolf whistle then two people running for it. We guessed it was Joey and Max and started running towards them.

"Where the hell are they?" I said panting from running, we had ran for ages.

"OVER HERE!" We heard Max shout and followed their voices. When we finally reached them when they had stopped running, Max and Joey pretended to make out. It was funny, not going to lie.

"Hey, Jakob, look at this" Max said holding his phone out showing a picture of me and Jakob kissing, I just saw him grin and then I felt him grasp my hand.

"Very funny Max, now delete it" Jakob said smiling still.

"God dammit, okaaaaaay" Max said whilst reluctantly deleting the photo.

We all started to head back to what was now my new home. I wonder what life will be like living in the Armstrong's house.

Moving To California (a Green Day, Emily's Army and My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now