Do I Like Her?

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Matt's POV
The night went quickly after we had finished the pizza. Alice and Jakob were in the kitchen for a strangely long time so I sent frank out to see what they were doing, but they were just taking a while to do the dishes. The three of them were acting weird after that but I don't know why. We just watched films for a while, it was coming up to 10pm and people were starting to leave because of school in the morning. Alice and Jakob left together. Strange. After everyone had left it was just me, Gerard and Mikey.
"Who do you guys think Alice likes?" I asked out of curiosity, and perhaps jealousy of Jakob.
"Hmm, personally, I think Jakob or that Tate guy in our music class. She's always looking at him" Gerard answered laughing slightly.
"I recon she likes Jakob, but is too afraid to admit it because people might think she only wants him for the money and Billie" Mikey replied wisely. He could read people like he reads books.
"Why?" Gerard suddenly piped up.
"Just wandering"
"Do you like her?"
"Well, no, yeah, no no, urgh I don't know" I battled with myself.
"I think Alice liked you at first but you guys became very good friends and that would be something she wouldn't want to ruin, it's just a case of seeing if anything happens with her and Jakob and if so... you'll just have to let it go I'm afraid" Mikey said wisely, once again. He always knew what to say!
"I guess, thanks Mikey, anyway I should start walking home, see you tomorrow in home room"
"Bye!" Mikey and Gerard shouted at the same time as I left. It was dark outside and there was only a street light every few meters. I looked around me, it was empty. I unlocked my phone revealing a photo of me and Alice, why did she have to like Jakob? I sighed and locked my phone. I pulled out my headphones and put on Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy.

Jakob's POV
"No bunking school tomorrow you two, no staying up late, if anything happens phone me!" Mom said as we pulled up to Alice's house.
"Yes mom, bye thanks for the ride"
"Thankyou Adie" Alice smiled and hopped out the car, as I did too. We both waved her off then walked hand in hand to Alice's house.
"My mum's gone crazy, just stay away from her, just for tonight" Alice warned me, wow what had happened in here? I saw a smashed glass bottle in the corridor, stuff thrown on the floor, it was completely different to how I had seen it before. Alice quickly rushed to her room pulling me with her after locking the front door.
"See what I mean?" Alice warily spoke whilst quietly closing her bedroom door.
"Yeah, are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" I asked starting to worry a little.
"No, no I'm fine. Well I am now" she smiled a little. I placed my bag on the floor and got my sport shorts and tshirt out when I noticed Alice getting out her pyjamas from her wardrobe.
"You know because you're in my house doesn't mean you can't sleep just in your boxers right?" Alice winked and laughed whilst saying this.
"It's okay, I'll cope one night" I chuckled slightly.
"Don't look" Alice said whilst waiting for me to turn around in which I did. A few seconds later she gave me permission to look again. I had also changed into my pyjamas, so we just sat in Alice's bed cuddling and watching a film. Alice had a short sleeve shirt on and I noticed her bandage. I feel like this was all my fault. I didn't want Alice to worry anymore so I didn't say anything about it. I slid my fingers between hers and kissed her cheek. She rested her head on my shoulder.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course, what's up?"
"I think Matt likes you. Gerard text me saying Matt won't shut up about you..." I trailed off my sentence with a sigh. I had to confront her about it, and Gerard did text me saying Matt is talking about Alice a lot.
"I don't think he does"
"I'm pretty sure he does" honestly, I was scared that she might of liked him back. He was like some of the guys on the posters on her walls, and then there was me. I wasn't even anywhere near the looks of my brother or my dad.
"He doesn't and even if he did, I don't feel the same way. I only love you, I only want you" Alice replied with a serious tone. This made me feel a little more relaxed. She seemed serious about that so I didn't feel as intimidated by Matt as I did.
We carried on cuddling and watching the rest of the film. By the end of it, Alice was fast asleep in my arms, so I set the alarm for the morning, pulled the cover up over us and drifted to sleep.

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