Digital Drugs

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Alice's POV

Adie and I were on the way home now, she had absolutely spoilt me! Adrienne is literally the nicest person I know! And as much as me and my mum get on, Adrienne treated me like her own daughter, as if she was my mum! She bought me soooo much and she took me out for lunch which was amazing! She wouldn't let me pay for anything which sucked, so I'm going to ask Max if he'll buy a bottle of wine for Billie and Adie if I give him the money and I'll buy them some flowers, since they've made me feel so welcome!

We got back to the house, all of the guys were at the beach so it was literally just me and Adie home. She said she had a surprise for me! More?!

I followed her upstairs to where she took me to a spare room I hadn't seen, it was opposite the music room next to Jakob's. I walked in there to see a plain white room, with a double bed, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers.

"So..." Adie said looking around.

"What do you think?" She asked me. What is this even for?

"It's nice, could do with some posters or something but it's nice!"

"Well, make yourself at home!"

"Huh?" I said confused.

"Didn't Jakob tell you? This room is going to be yours for when you stay over!"

"No way?!" I said excitedly.

"Yes! We have three other spare rooms and we figured you'd most likely sleep in Jakob's and then you can shower and put your stuff in here" I looked to where Adrienne was pointing... An ensuite!

"We're going to take the bed out and put a sofa in, but that was already in here anyway, oh also, Billie is going to put some music equipment in here so this can be yours and Jake's little jam room, as well as where you can keep your stuff!" Adrienne said excitedly! Ahhh!!

"Is this serious?! Are you sure?!"

"Certain sweetie, those clothes I bought you today were to put in here for when you stay! I mean, you can take them home too haha but just for now hey"

I couldn't believe it, I really did feel like part of the family. I jumped up and hugged Adrienne, she laughed at me and hugged me back.

"Thankyou so much Adie"

"You're very welcome darling! It's nice to have another girl around!"

"I bet it is haha!"

"You're free to stay here whenever you like, just tell Jakob and he'll tell us, it'll be great for you and Jake to hang out more too"

"Thanks so so much Adrienne" I said hugging her again. We heard footsteps coming up the stairs and towards the room which was now mine and Jakob's band room/my stuff storage room. Billie walked in.

"How'd you like the room?" Billie beamed at me.

"I love it!! Thankyou so much!!" I said over excitedly, but I didn't care, this was amazing. I get to spend more time with Jakob!!

Then, I saw Joey walk in.

"Knew she'd like it!" He said smirking, "right next to Jakob's room ey dad?" He said winking at me. I shot him a death glare but it only made him laugh. Then I heard someone running down the corridor.

"Alice!!" Jakob said running into my room and hugging me. I hugged him tightly back.

"Jakob!!" I said excitedly back.

We let go, and stood smiling at each other like idiots. "Well we shall leave you two too it then!" Dad said gesturing for everyone to leave. When they did, Adie was the last to go and she closed the door behind her.

Moving To California (a Green Day, Emily's Army and My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now