Pizza Party

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Matt's POV

Alice and I walked behind Frank and Gerard who were debating about which minecraft was better, PC or Xbox. Personally, PC, but I didn't want to get involved. Alice was quiet, unusually quiet. I saw her pull out her phone and sigh.

"Who you texting?" I asked, being nosey but also hoping no one was giving her shit.


"Is that a bad thing?" I asked confused.

"No, no of course not. But he's been texting me whilst I was passed out and what am I meant to tell him? I cut myself and bled too much, oh yeah great..." She sighed again. I had never seen her like this.

"Just tell him your phone died whilst you were taking a nap and it's only just charged"

"I don't want to lie to him Matty" this time, she sounded even more sad.

"Alice, why did you do this to yourself?" I bit the bullet whilst gently holding her bandaged arm.

"Because I'm a waste of space Matt, I shouldn't be here. I ruin everything for everyone." Alice's words hurt me, worried me most of all. I hate to think that she feels like this.

"Alice you're far from a waste of space, you're amazing, you're funny, you're talented, pretty, kind, you're one of the best friends I've ever had!" I exclaimed to her, Alice's facial expression turned from sad to a small smile.

"You really think that about me?" She asked with a slightly happier tone in her voice.

"Of course I do, I wouldn't say it otherwise" Alice just smiled in reply.

"Do you want me to talk to Jakob?" I asked noticing she kept writing a text then deleting it.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure"

"Thankyou" she giggled slightly. It made me happier knowing she was a bit more cheered up.

"We're here!" Frank shouted whilst running to the swings. He was like a four year old. Gerard, Alice and I trudged over to the swings and sat down. We all swung slowly in silence.

"So, who wants to come to mine for pizza?" Gerard piped up breaking the silence.

"Sounds good" Alice nodded in reply.

"Sweet, do you have a time to be home?" Gerard asked Alice.

"Nope, not as if my mum would care anyway"

"Okay, we'll walk you home later then" Gerard smiled at me then Alice. I don't know what it was, but everytime Alice smiled, it caught my eye. Something about it sent tingles down my spine. She made me feel something different.

We sat in the park for about half an hour just swinging and chatting. We decided to head back to Alice's so she can grab a jumper even though we all offered her our own.

"Wait here guys, I'll be one minute!" Alice said quickly, then speeding into her house.

"Shall I ask Bob, Ray and Jakob?" Gerard asked, looking between me and Frank.

"Yeah! Let's have a party type thing!" Frank excitedly said.

"Is Mikey at home too?" I asked Gerard.

"Yeah he is, lots of pizza and music might cheer Alice up. Do you know why she hurt herself?" Gerard questioned me, gulping before he said 'hurt herself'. We all care for her so much, to see her hurt is heart crippling for all of us.

"Uh, she just feels like she's worthless, but don't bring it up infront of her" I gulped too.

"I won't, we need to make her feel extra special then..." Gerard said, his sentence being finished in thought.

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