The Big Day

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It was time to leave the house and go to meet the editor of Vogue. This wasn't how life was supposed to be. Alex had always imagined herself as a failure at most things. But now she was different. She had gained a lot of self confidence. She was more positive. Most of all she accepted herself as she was and didn't feel the need to change anything.

She's finally found her calling.

"It's 9 a.m. I've got half an hour to go. Right. Let me grab some breakfast on the way there."

She stopped by at Donuts Corner to grab a coffee and one or maybe two donuts. Probably not the ideal breakfast but she was craving some sugar.

"Hello. Can i get a galaxy glaze donut, a cream filled donut and a coffee to go please?"

She bought the yummy goodies and walked out the door confidently. She looked very elegant in her new dress. It fell just below her knees. She wore fully gold sequined high heels. Not too high, not too sequined. She looked just right.

She parked her car and got out and into the office. She couldn't believe she was called to meet the editor! She breezed her way through the reception desk. A young girl dressed fully in black and white asked her to go straight through the glass doors into Miranda's office. Miranda was the editor.

"Welcome Alex. Please take a seat. Would you like some coffee or?"
"Oh no thank you. I just had..."
"Alright then. So you must be wondering why i wanted to meet you. Well firstly congratulations. You're a very good wrirter. Your columns are always so interesting. They've some quality to it that I've not seen in a long time. It should come as no surprise to you that I've decided to hire you as our lead writer for the weekly column on our website. Your focus areas would be fashion shows that we would be sending you to. Of course this means a lot of traveling is required. You may not be in one place all the time. You'll have your own assistant and we can talk about the pay later. I will ask Andrea to send an email to you regarding other details."

Alex just sat and stared at Miranda. She couldn't speak a word. She wqs in shock. She just gor offered the most prestigious job that any girl would die for. This was something that she'd never ever dreamed of. Let alone meeting the great goddess of Vogue.

"Is there a problem?"
"No. No. I'm so honoured that you would want me here. I cannot thank you enough."
"Yes yes. That's alright. So you can start next week. That'll give you time to quit your existing job. And that's all."
"Thank you."

Alex walked out of the office breatheless and speechless. Andrea, the young receptionist told her that she would send her the email very soon.

She walked out of the building and into her car. From behind someone had been calling her but she didn't pay much attention. She turned around and it was Noah. All dressed up in a black suit.


Alex couldn't speak.

"Alex. It's me. I saw you walk out of the building. I work here."
"Yeah. I work here. I'm the assistant photographer for Vogue. Oh and now I'll be working with you."
"What do you mean? And where were you? It's been months!"
"I know. I called you a bunch of times. But you didn't pick up. Isn't it this number?"

Alex had changed her phone and with that changed her number because the previous one... well she didn't really have a reason.

"Oh my God. I changed my number. I forgot to tell you. I thought you were never gonna see me again."
"Well no. I tried to reach out to you. Then i went away to Paris for three weeks for a photoshoot. Then i came back and had to fly out again to Greece for another..."
"Do you love me?"
"Noah. Do you love me?"
"Yes. Of course i do. I felt bad about the whole Jacob thing. But Alex we're forever. I thought you knew that."
"No i didn't! How am i supposed to know if you don't tell me?"
"I thought love is something you feel and not tell."
"Oh God. You're so cliche."
"I love you."

He got down on one knee, pulled out a burger from his backpack...

"Alex. Will you be my forever?"
"Am i supposed to wear the hamburger like a ring?"
"Well. No. Just eat it. There won't be a ring."
"I'm kidding you idiot. Just say yes."
"You're so unromantic."
"I know. So...Will you?"
"Yes you idiot. Yes."

And they kissed each other. Alex's foot popped.

She'd never known happiness like this. She'd never known love like this. She felt everything was so right at the momet. She didn't need any explanation. She knew they were made for each other. She knew Noah would come back. She didn't think it would be on a day like this.

Being Me.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon