The Stroll

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It was a lovely day and Alex wanted to go for a casual walk. She was planning on calling Noah. Just a minute after she had finished her brunch her mom came knocking on the door. She'd returned from the zen trip only two days ago and already she was getting restless sitting around the house doing meagre chores.

"Why don't we go for some Christmas shopping Alex? It'll get me out of the house and we can have some mother-daughter time."
"But mom Christmas is not for another two months."
"I know dear."
"Why don't you go for another zen trip?"
"Haha. It's quite expensive. I can't afford to go another one."
"Well. Something else then?"
"Oh it's alright. You go out and have fun. I'll just go to Mrs.Fitzgerald's."
"Okay mum."

Is she angry with me? Should I have gone with her? Nah. I'm just over thinking.

Since the time Alex's mom had come back from the trip she seemed a little sad. Alex wasn't going to ask her! She wouldn't like it at all. Just like her, her mom kept everything to herself. But she was alright that way. That's just how their relationship worked.

"Hey. Wanna go for a stroll in the park?"
"Yeah. Sure. Meet in you in ten."

Alex took her pug along with her. They'd walked for a long time and she wanted to sit down.

"So. How's your photography going? Do you like the camera?"
"Yeah. It's good."


"Okay. What's the matter? You're just staring at the sky."
"What's wrong with that? I'm just enjoying the sky."
"That's a lie."
"Yeah. How do you know?"
"I know."
"It's nothing. Leave it."
"No. I won't leave it. Tell me or I'll just walk off."
"Hmm. It's not like you can help it."
"Just tell me what it is."
"Some people prefer not to share everything. Okay?
"God! Okay. Listen. My parents are getting a divorce and dad wants to move in with me. Happy?"
"Why would I be happy?"


"Okay. I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"
"Is it rude to hate your own dad?"
"I don't know. Do you hate him?"
"Yeah. He was never nice to me or mom."
"But why does he want to move in with you? What about your mom?"
"Mom's going to stay with her sister. Dad just needs money to spend for whatever it is that he does. I hate him so much."
"It's okay. If you ever need anything, ask me."
"Okay. Thanks. Can I ask you something now?"

"Will you keep a secret?"
"Alex. I'm not the kind of person you think I am."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm a superhero."

Alex couldn't move a limb. She just kept looking at him. She searched his eyes to see if he was saying the truth. It wasn't every day that she heard this kind of a secret.

"You're definitely not."
"Yeah. I'm not."
"God! For a second I lost it."
"Haha. I was just messing with you. To lighten the mood."
"What a man!"

They laughed and laughed. Noah tried not to show his feelings. But she knew he wasn't alright. She would do everything in her power to help him get through this stage in life. After all she loved him like a best friend.

Or was it more than just that?

Being Me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora