The Frenaissance

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Alex and Noah were big time fans of the TV show "F.R.I.E.N.D.S." They couldn't go a day without watching an episode. It was so much fun and hilarious, they laughed their hearts out!

When it was lunch time they would go and have food at the cafeteria together. It was very apparent that they'd become the best of friends. They started to appreciate each other's unique personalities, likes and dislikes.

Alex was so fond of books and had a flair for writing. She didn't want to be a published author. She wrote for her own sake. It was a personal thing. She loved going to the vintage shops that sold old school stuff. There were tea cups that looked like the ones in the film "The Beauty and The Beast." Kettles in the shape of elephants, rings in the shape of ladybugs and what not!

Noah found this a little out of league for his taste. But it wasn't his place to say anything. Alex was allowed to have her own opinions about vintage stuff or anything at all. He just wasn't that type of guy. He was more of a newspaper guy. Yes. He just read the news every day, watched "F.R.I E.N.D.S." and hung out at the store. He didn't really have any hobbies. Or did he?

"You just read newspapers? That's it? You don't have any other craving or crazy hobbies?"
"Not everyone is like you Alex. I'm the normal kind of human "
"Wow. What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well. You've all kinds of weird fascinations. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm just not like that."
"Right. I believe you. Mr.Normal Human."
"Oh. Come on. Like a guy can't be normal?"

"Okay. Fine. I do have some things I would like to do. I just don't do it."
"What do you mean?"
"Um. I like bird watching and photography."
"Now that's a good one! Photography! Show me some of your work."
"Uh. I don't really have any to show you."
"I mean I do take photos, but never print them. I take them on my phone because I really don't have enough money to buy a decent camera. So."
"Well that shouldn't be a problem. You can start saving money from now. Maybe in a year's time you can buy one!"

"I don't know. We'll see. Let's go to that bookstore tomorrow. I want to show you some books you might like."
"Okay. Sure. We can check out some books on photography while we're at it!"

Alex was full of smiles. Noah wasn't. There was something he was hiding. But wouldn't give it away. She had to find out sooner than later.

Being Me.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz