The Cocoon

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"But I don't know what to do with my life mom!"

"Alex, you're 25 years old. It's about time you knew what to do. I've already arranged your meeting with Mr.Fitzgerald. You better get going. You don't want to be late."


She just never understands me. Why would I want to work for him? I don't even like Math! This is just ridiculous. I can't believe my life's going to waste. I hate it. I hate myself.

Alex was a strong headed girl. She didn't take no for an answer. She got that from her mom. Stubborn, unlucky and annoying. That's how she saw herself. While her friends were living their dreams and moving up the ladder of success, she was still stuck at the very bottom. Even the stairs didn't seem to do the trick.

Those three years of college education didn't seem to help either. She hadn't reluctantly done her graduation in communications. It wasn't her idea. Her mom always made decisions for her. So was this job in the supermarket.

She was to be a cashier at Daisy's Super Store. It was an ordinary store with everyday items. And Alex hated it. She had to attend the interview for her mom's sake. She needed a job and money. This was the only way.

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