The Surprise

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It was a wonderful Wednesday and Alex was on her way back home. She'd great news!

"I'm back!"
"Hey Alex. Where did you go? I've been waiting for an hour now."
"Oh. I didn't know you were here Noah. But I'm glad you are. I've got something to tell you. Where's mom?"

She made both of them sit down and neither of them had a clue what was going on.

"Okay. So. I just got a new job. You're looking at the new sub-editor of Musix."
"The what?"

"What's that?"
"Well it's an upcoming monthly magazine that covers stories based on music. Like new hit songs, new artist to look out for, best album of the year, something like that"
"Oh. Okay. That's great! When did you decide on this? And how?"
"I was thinking of getting involved in the writing field. I saw an ad for this in the local newspaper. I thought why not. Now the salary may not be great. But something's better than nothing right?"

"I'm proud of you my darling. You're finally doing something you love."
"Thanks mom."
"Yeah. Good luck."
"Thanks buddy."

Noah was shocked to say the least. He didn't think it was wise for Alex to jump at the first job she got. He thought she'd better expectations of herself. He was happy for her, but he wished she'd aimed higher.

On the other hand Alex was very happy and couldn't wait to begin her career. This was what she wanted all her life. To write. She never made it public though. Although the job didn't pay much she believed that this was the right decision. Baby steps were the key to success. She knew he wouldn't be happy.

It wouldn't hurt to try,
If only you looked at the sky.

It was not all dazzling stars,
Some were hiding their scars.

My fate may not be,
But I wish you were happy.

She went to bed tears streaming down her face. Slightly scared of her new path and slightly torn between her own thoughts.

Being Me.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang